Sensory Regulation for High Energy Kids with OT Julia Ieslin: Round Two

00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I get to share an episode that I love. I think it's just really timely right now. This is a rebroadcast of our episode with Julia Ieslin on sensory regulation for high energy kids. We're going to round to this bad boy and run it back because we're getting so many questions on this topic. It feels like it could be really helpful right now, especially in the like colder months when it's like, oh my gosh, what do we do? How do we support our high energy kids? I got you. Julia is an occupational therapist and is awesome. And then Rachel and I have a breakdown at the end of this episode as well. All right, folks, let's dive in. 


00:00:49    Alyssa

Hey there, I'm Alyssa Blask Campbell. I'm a mom with a master's degree in early childhood education and co -creator of the Collaborative Emotion Processing Method. I'm here to walk alongside you through the messy, vulnerable parts of being humans, raising other humans with deep thoughts and actionable tips. Let's dive in together.  

00:01:25    Alyssa

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Voices of Your Village. Today, I get to hang out with Julia Ieslin. She's a pediatric OT. Y 'all know how I feel about OTs, could hang forever. She specializes in early intervention, that birth to three range, and children with complex medical needs. She's a mom of three very energetic little boys, age five and under. It is the owner of Play, Move, Explore Pediatric Therapy, where her focus has turned to supporting families of neurodivergent children using both her OT lens and personal experience as a mom of neurodivergent kids. Julia, thanks for coming to hang out with me today. Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here. I'm jazzed to have you. As you heard in the intro there, I love OTs and I feel like I truly, we can't do our work in emotional intelligence without your work. They go hand in hand. I'm so jazzed to get to chat sensory systems.


00:02:19    Julia

Me too. Let's do it.


00:02:21    Alyssa

You mentioned in your bio here, very energetic little boys. We talk about high energy kids in your work. What does that look like? What does a high energy kid look like?


00:02:31    Julia

Some people describe high energy kids as kids that just seem to be the energizer batteries that just seem to go and go and go. Using my OT lens, I see it a little bit deeper than that, but as the parent, I totally still feel the never-ending movement, never-ending talking, never-ending energy. So those kids that are just in constant movement, talking, touching, spinning. And one thing I think people forget is that you can be a sensory seeker in any of the senses, not just the typical always moving or spinning. You might have kids that are touching things all the time or like to touch their hair or other people's hair, or like to hold toys close to their ears because they like the sound, or they like repetitive sound. So they're, you know, tapping their fingers or clicking their pens, that kind of a thing. So it's just, they need a lot of sensory input to fill their buckets.


00:03:29    Alyssa

I like that you noted that for the seekers that, you know, let's revisit for folks who might be new to us. And if you are new and you want to dive deep into the eight sensory systems, head on over to Episode 4 with OT Lori Goodrich. We do a deep dive there if you want to just learn more in depth about the sensory systems. but let's just touch base real quick on the eight sensory systems. And you mentioned the spinning and the moving all the time, and we can do a quick overview for folks who this might be new to.


00:04:02    Julia

Sure, so the ones that most people are familiar with are vision, smell or olfactory, taste, touch and sound. Those are the ones that most people are familiar with. People can be sensitive or seeking to any of those senses. So for example, if you want to talk about the tactile, the touch, someone who may not want to touch their food when they're eating or doesn't like their feet in the sand, that would be a sensory sensitive child. What I tend to focus on is the opposite. Kids that don't want their shoes on because they want to feel the sand and the grass between their toes, or their parents report things like they're constantly petting me, they're touching their skin to the point of it being raw. So their body really enjoys that tactile sense. So those are the five main ones. Then there's the ones that we don't normally talk about as much. So proprioception, that's your body's sense of itself in space. Proprioceptors are located in your joints. So kids that are proprioceptive seekers are often our jumpers, our crashers, our kids that are rolling all over the place. You can get proprioception from your jaw, so kids that are chewing all the time. That's one of the most common questions I get is like, my kid always has their toys, fingers, whatever, straws are chewed to nothing. What they're getting is that proprioceptive input by doing that, and their body needs it. They seek it, they want it, they crave it. And then vestibular, that's the other really important one that we see with our seekers. That's the sense of movement. So that would be kids that are swinging on everything, spinning in circles, upside down. One of my sons seeks inversion like crazy, like nine times out of 10, if he's on the couch, he's watching TV upside down. He goes down slides upside down. He will just have a conversation with you like on his head upside down, just because he really likes the feeling, that vestibular input. He wants it all the time.


00:06:11    Alyssa

Yes. Thank you so much for bringing those down for people. And we'll often talk about that, the eighth of the interception and we can kind of go quickly over because it's not usually something we're seeking.


00:06:23    Julia

Seeking, exactly.


00:06:24    Alyssa

But you can be sensitive. Do you want to break it down real quick? What interception is?


00:06:28    Julia

Yeah, that's the sensory system that you can sense internally what your body needs or feels. So maybe like recognizing that your heart is racing or that you're hungry or thirsty. That isn't typically a sense, like you said, that people seek, but it is one that people can be sensitive to.


00:06:47    Alyssa

Yeah, thank you so much for that. I have a tiny human who has a sensitive interceptive system and like if he's a little hungry, he's a lot hungry. If he's a little tired, he's a lot tired. But he also was able to tell us, like, I have to pee or I have to poop really young before he had a whole bunch of language. He was aware of those things. And then for us, it's been helpful on the emotional regulation side, knowing he has a heightened interceptive system and has a sensitive system. We focused on like, how does your heart feel? Is it beating fast? How do we slow it down? Knowing like that's something he's pretty aware of generally and if we can help him tune into those internal cues, we can work on tools for regulation in the way that makes sense for his body. Um, just want to toss that one in there.


00:07:33    Julia

Yes. That's also a strategy we use for seekers. Um, they just usually need a lot of prompting. I'll use that with my son. Sometimes put your hand on your chest. Do you feel that? Oh my gosh, your heart is going pound, pound, pound on your hand. And then he'll, he'll pick up on it. And I'm like, that means our body was moving really fast. So yeah, we use it as a form of regulation.


00:07:55    Alyssa

Yeah, I love it.


00:07:56    Julia

As well.


00:07:57    Alyssa

I love it. You know, you chat in your work about a sensory lifestyle and this just speaks to me. Let's break this down. I want to dive into what is a sensory lifestyle?


00:08:09    Julia

So a sensory diet is what has been commonly used by therapists as almost like a prescription program to give to parents to help their kids get sensory activities and input throughout the day that their body needs. And I definitely was giving parents sensory diet before I had my own children, and there's nothing wrong with them. But what I realized once I was a parent myself of kids that had sensory challenges was I don't feel like I have time to do one other thing, to go back to that piece of paper one more time to figure out what I need to do. So I found that using, kind of following a sensory lifestyle, that no matter what, every single day from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, we are just providing sensory opportunities that they need. That's an important part of it is that it needs to be specific to what the child is needing and wanting and craving all day long. And it almost just, it becomes your lifestyle. It becomes second nature and then I don't feel like it's another thing I have to do.


00:09:18    Alyssa

Yeah, I love this and it speaks so much to my heart because I think when we treat it as a diet, not only does it become something that we like have to do that's an additional thing to keep track of, but it also I think can feel like, like maybe they'll grow out of this or maybe this will change. And I think when we switch it to like a lifestyle, we can dive into the conversation about how does this child's nervous system work? And I think it helps us as adults reflect on like, I'm sound sensitive. That's not something that I'm going to grow out of. When I walk into a room and there's a lot of background noise happening and it's loud and feels chaotic for me and I don't feel in control of the sound in the environment, it's dysregulating. And I've had to build awareness of that to then build tools for regulation and supporting myself. It's not something I'm going to grow out of. And the like idea of a diet for me feels temporary. Whereas a lifestyle is like, let's get to know their nervous system and figure out how can we help them thrive? What can we do to help them build awareness of how their systems work and what they're sensitive to, what they're seeking and how to like move forward in each age and stage with that information. What does this look like when we're at home? What does it look like when we're on the go or at birthday parties or whatever? Or what does it look like when we're at school? And I think when you bring it in as a lifestyle, then it's really about like that individual human and it's not that there's something wrong with them. It's not that there's something that's gonna change at some point that you're trying to change. It's an awareness component and acceptance, I think.


00:10:59    Julia

Absolutely, I love the way you said that. All of us, our sensory needs change day to day. Our line of acceptance, auditory, sometimes I can deal with you being really loud and some days like I need --


00:11:12    Alyssa

I just can't


00:11:12    Julia

-I just can't I need a moment and that's us and we understand we have a developed frontal lobe and we understand our sensory systems little ones don't.


00:11:20    Alyssa

Do we?


00:11:21    Julia

Well, we try.


00:11:25    Alyssa

We're building more awareness. Well it's something I wish honestly, like when I look back in my childhood or even like college years and whatever, gosh I wish someone taught me this. Like I wish I had learned like oh yeah here's how your body works. And here's some things that like seem harder for your body. And they can drain, we think of it as a battery and then we're either draining or we're recharging. So here's some things that drain your battery. Here's some things that recharge it. Like what a gift that would have been for me to take with me through life. And real bummer that I was like building these tools in my late twenties, early thirties. I'm like now in my mid thirties, I'm like, okay I feel like I've got a handle, kind of, but yeah it would have been real, real nice to have in the beginning. And I think it's so cool to give this to kids. So when we're starting to develop this like awareness of like, okay, what are they sensitive to? What are they seeking? What are some tools that we can use to support kids at home? And then I'd love to chat too about the classroom, when we approach it as a lifestyle and not like, all right, carve out time for this thing now. What does this look like? Can we look at it at home and then in the classroom?


00:12:38    Julia

Yeah, so one of the most important things is, if you're a parent, my biggest suggestion in the very beginning is to take a step back and just observe. If you need to, write it down. Sometimes parents will write down behaviors that they're seeing throughout the day, and they won't realize how often or frequent or how long their child is doing something. So just observe. What do they seem to gravitate towards? What kind play do they seem to enjoy? When do they seem to get dysregulated? When do they seem to be really content and regulated? We'll take my kids for example. If you just step back and watch them for 10 minutes, you'll notice they're probably never sitting down. They're moving, they're rocking on their feet. If they are sitting down, it's on their feet, standing up, rocking back and forth, getting back on the couch, turning upside down. It's just a constant movement. If we go back the sensory systems, that would be they're seeking proprioception and vestibular input. If you see a child that's constantly watching repetitive things like bubbles, kaleidoscopes, or water running, that would be visual. So, you kind of want to narrow down what sense your child seems to really be wanting. So, that's really the first step.


00:14:00    Alyssa

Yeah, I love that. And for folks, if you are feeling like this feels overwhelming and I don't know what I'm doing, we worked with an OT to create a sensory profile quiz that's just like a jumping off point to give you a little more information. You can take it as many times as you want for many kids as you have. It's just and it'll help you and it'll give you more information about these different sensory systems and what you might notice. Some activities you might notice them gravitate toward and then things that you could do to support them or provide opportunities here. So just as a side note if you feel overwhelmed by any of that.


00:14:34    Julia

And that is the most overwhelming part for parents because as an OT or somebody in the field, if I see a child doing XYZ, I can pretty quickly say, oh, they're seeking this or they're avoiding this. But for a parent, that is the harder part.


00:14:48    Alyssa

Yeah, parents aren’t trained in it.


00:14:49    Julia

So I love that you have that quiz.


00:14:51    Alyssa

Exactly. It was like the thing that I was like, gosh, what do I want every parent-- Honestly, Julia, I wish that there were pediatric OTs, integrative OTs specifically, who understand how this comes into the lifestyle component in every pediatric office. And until we have that, we have to have some tools for parents as a jumping off point.


00:15:12    Julia



00:15:13    Alyssa

All right, sorry to interrupt you.


00:15:16    Julia

No, that's okay. So a huge component of the sensory lifestyle is once you've determined what is my child seeking, then you want to put activities that allow them to get that input. So that sounds counterproductive to parents. What do you mean they're seeking proprioception, so I need to give them more proprioception and then they'll be calm? I'm like, it sounds backwards, but that is, we need to help them. We can help guide them towards activities that give them what they need, because if If we don't show them safe ways to do it, they're going to find unsafe ways to do it. That's what we see.


00:15:55    Alyssa

Sure, it's like attention or connection, right?


00:15:57    Julia



00:15:58    Alyssa

They're gonna go hit a sibling. They're gonna dump some stuff on the floor. They're gonna do something that's really annoying.


00:16:03    Julia



00:16:04    Alyssa

Not on purpose, not to be annoying, but because they need attention and connection and don't know how to say, hey, I need your attention.


00:16:10    Julia

Absolutely. The whole idea is you're front-loading. And what that means is you're prepping their body. You don't want to put out the fire once there's already a fire. An analogy that I like that parents seem to understand is when you have an injury or if you have a surgery, you don't wait until you're already in pain to take your medication. That's why the doctor says every six hours take XYZ because you don't want it to get to the point where you're in pain and then you find the thing that gives you relief. You want to front-load that. You want to prepare your sensory system for that. So, what we're going to do with the sensory lifestyle is we're going to provide activities that give them the sensory input that their body needs the entire day with the hopes that that kind of fills their bucket, little by little, and we never get to the point where our bucket is spilling over or empty, let's say.


00:17:05    Alyssa

Sure. Yeah. So, let's break this down. A couple of things came up for me. One is like, I just hear this part of me that's like, cool, that sounds great, but like sometimes we got to get in the car seat and we're going to drive someplace. Sometimes we're going to go to this birthday party or to this restaurant or to this thing. What does that look like? The bandwidth part of what if I can't have it available all the time came up on one side for me. I think the part of me that is the loudest often is the, Alyssa, you're not doing enough. So that part surfaces of like, you're not going to be doing enough if you're not providing it all the time. And then I want to talk about the like task demands. If we kind of figuring out like, what would our kids be sensitive to? And if we start to notice some of these things, how to balance like access to regulating activities, what they're seeking with like higher task demands of things they're sensitive to. Let's chat here about like, what if their life happens and it's not always going to be available. What does that look like?


00:18:14    Julia

Right. So I like to call it my sensory toolbox and each parent will have a sensory toolbox that they can pull from. And it is so important, like you said, to have things that are available in any environment. You're taking a road trip, you're on an airplane, you're in a restaurant, like you can't say you're seeking proprioception, go jump on the trampoline. To me, that's the reason that sensory diets don't work is they can be beautiful but they're just too specific. When you have a toolbox that's filled with understanding your child's needs and activities that meet those needs, then you just pull what's appropriate. Example, heavy work. Heavy work is regulating for almost all sensory areas, for pretty much everyone.


00:19:00    Alyssa

What is heavy work? Break that down for folks.


00:19:02    Julia

Yeah, so it's a high proprioceptive activity that usually involves pushing, pulling, isometrics, lifting, and it's grounding to the body. So you can get heavy work in ways that don't involve big movements. So for the restaurant, you can bring some bubbles. You're getting deep breathing. You're getting jaw excursions. You can bring gum if your child's old enough to be safe with gum. Your jaw is getting that deep, heavy work, deep proprioceptive input, you can bring high resistance putty. You don't have to be in big moving activities. There are things you can do that are more sedentary and just knowing those and having them in your toolbox, you pull what you need and it's there. And I think -


00:19:50    Alyssa

I love that.


00:19:51    Julia



00:19:51    Alyssa

I think it's so helpful to think about and to really take in that the proprioceptive isn't just big jumps, right? Because I think for folks that are like, yeah, I don't have a trampoline at the restaurant, right? Like what does that look like? For Sage, my little guy's two, one of the things that we found really helpful, we bring a little backpack with us when we go to a restaurant or go to something and he picks out some toys that go in it and we throw some things in there too. And it's his job and it's been his job since he was like 18 months. It was huge on him at 18 months, but to carry it in. And so now he wears it like a backpack and it clips, but that is like one small way that on our way in, he's getting a little bit of input. And then we've been intentional about like Squigz. For a while at restaurants, we would put them down and he would pull them off the table. And so really thinking about, as the adults, like what are some toys? What are some things that we can utilize that you might have at home that you can bring along for the ride? Or, you know, you're cooking, you're whatever, and maybe you don't have a trampoline at your house. Maybe there isn't a safe space for your kid to jump and play when you're in the kitchen and need to see them or whatever, I think looking at what are some other ways we can bring this in that isn't always big body input and big body play, I guess, is really helpful to think about.


00:21:11    Julia



00:21:13    Alyssa

What about vestibular seekers? Do you have any thoughts on like out in the public, one of the tools at home for us that's so helpful is a sit and spin, because he can just go and do it on his own. And unlike our swing that hangs in the doorway that he whacks his head on the doorframe if one of us isn't there to push him, like the sit and spin is something for us he can do on his own.


00:21:33    Julia

Yeah, so seated in a restaurant, this might be hard, but what we do is we utilize that 10 minutes till you're seated wait time. So vestibular can be inversion, upside down. So is it appropriate to really be doing somersaults in the front of the restaurant? No, but you can bend down and touch your toes and then come back up. You can be back-to-back and tell each other a secret. So we're back-to-back and I'm like, hey, I can tell you something, turning to the right. And then he comes to the left and we go back and forth, tell each other a secret. So he's getting that side-to-side vestibular input.


00:22:12    Alyssa

Oh, what a fun game.


00:22:13    Julia

Yeah, if you're outside, you can do bouncing. If you have a tiny, you know, a younger one, you can do horsey rides where they're sitting on your lap and you're kind of bouncing your legs, give them a little bit of that vestibular input.


00:22:26    Alyssa

I love that.


00:22:26    Julia

Those are, vestibular is probably the hardest to like, keep under wraps, if you will, because that is what it is. It's the sense of movement. So you do have to move, whereas like, you know, proprioceptive, tactile, auditory, those you can kind of conceal more because you can be sedentary. Vestibular is one of the more challenging ones, but there are a few ways to get that movement input in more subtle ways.


00:22:51    Alyssa

Sure. It's been one of those things that I've learned for myself as a parent is really helpful for me to try to get in before we leave the house. Like, if I can prioritize it before we leave the house, it usually makes the getting out of the house easier. And then the being out of the house easier. If we can do an activity like if I pop him on the swing for five minutes, and I'm like pushing him slash packing a bag to leave or whatever, like, that is super helpful. Or if we set up a fun game where he loves to like crawl around, and then he rolls, just being different animals. And like those those are ways that I've found like pouring into it before we even leave the house has been helpful. I love the vestibular input.


00:23:33    Julia

Right. So you're basically already living a sensory lifestyle because you're front-loading. You did exactly what I was explaining is you're front-loading that input. You're giving him the input that he needs before he becomes dysregulated and his bucket's empty.


00:23:47    Alyssa

Yeah. It's my goal always because it makes my life easier, right?


00:23:51    Julia



00:23:51    Alyssa

It started for me as a teacher of like, how do I make my life easier? I think it can sound like, wow, way to go, Alyssa, but truthfully, for me, it really comes back to a real selfish motive of if I'm out and about and he's dysregulated, it's harder for me. And so for me, so much of my mental energy goes into that proactive front-loading of how do we support, how do we make it so his battery isn't empty? How do I recharge before we're getting to like a flashing blinking red 10 % battery life. And yeah, that just it makes sense in my brain makes my life easier.


00:24:31    Julia



00:24:33    Alyssa

When we are looking at the classroom, for our teachers who are tuning in. And I know we have a bunch of folks who tune in with multiple kids, and you know as a mom of three for yourself too, like have different systems at play different needs like the kid who is loud and then the kid who's sound sensitive and looking at like, how do we juggle this? What are some ways that we can build tools into our everyday practice? So it's not like, okay, you get one minute on the sit and spin and then like you're done, but how do we build it in to our everyday practice?


00:25:11    Julia

Yeah, so for a larger group, such as a classroom, like I said, heavy work is kind of universal. So everyone's gonna benefit from that. So if you can build that into your day, um, several times a day where, and same with movement, movement is important for everybody. It's not just going to be our seekers or someone with a diagnosis. Movement's important for everybody. Heavy work is beneficial to everyone. So if you could find little parts of your day where you can add movement, where you didn't normally have movement for kids that really seem to like need more than other kids, I love to give them jobs. Can you be the one that passes out the book to the class? Can you be the door holder? Can you help miss so-and-so take this to the office? Oh, my bag is so heavy. Can you help me carry my bag? Those kinds of things. So for the proprioceptive seekers, the kids that are just like off the wall, those kids you give a little bit extra, but for the most part, every kid's gonna benefit from moving more in the classroom.


00:26:15    Alyssa

Love this. There's so much time in the classroom that can be restrictive movement, right? Like sitting in circle, sitting to eat, sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting. And I think it would be so rad to challenge those systems to say like, do any of our chairs rock? Can any of them be chairs that spin? Do they have to sit to eat? Can they move? You know, like what does it look like? I know in our house, like at my house here, we have a learning tower, like a kitchen tower and Sage has breakfast there every morning. I was like, we're all, it's not a meal that we generally sit down all together for, and he'll like be hanging off the side of it, swinging his legs, moving around again. It makes my morning easier if he can eat breakfast there doing that. And then I look at like school and like, yeah, he doesn't want to sit in a chair and eat like, does he have to? Right?


00:27:15    Julia



00:27:15    Alyssa

And so like, but just looking at that across the board, like, can we challenge those systems for us? And I love the idea of jobs and you don't have to like, think up new things. Like you can truly just build them into the classroom community. Like there are so many jobs that we as teachers or that we as parents do all day long that we don't think about. For us, I've started saying like, when I bring the laundry up from the basement, I usually bring it up to the basement from the basement and fold it in the living room. So it comes to the top of the basement stairs and I ask Sage, can you just push the basket into the living room for me? That's super helpful. And it's also for me a part of like him being in our family community. Here are ways that you participate in helping around the house. We're doing little things. He puts away the cutting boards when we are emptying the dishwasher, those sorts of things. So like, we don't have to go out of our way to be like, what is a job I can do? You pause and think about what are the 7,000 jobs I'm gonna do in the next five minutes?


00:28:15    Julia



00:28:16    Alyssa

What can I offload?


00:28:18    Julia

Right, absolutely. Same thing if you have to take your child grocery shopping, let them push the heavy cart. That's heavy work. When you get home, let them unload those bags. Your job is to put all the cans away. Sure, we don't want them to put the spaghetti jar away that's breakable, but if you just have in your little toolbox, little jobs that are always theirs, then you know that pretty much all day you give them their little jobs where they're getting the input that they need.


00:28:44    Alyssa

Yeah, and it's like I said, that win-win. Also, I think it can often breed connection. They feel like they're a part of the community, whether it's in your school community or at home, and they feel connected. I feel like it hits a bunch of different buckets there. I love using this in playful transitions. Wanna dive into that real quick here of like, what does it look like? I think so often we are like, we just gotta get through this. We gotta get our shoes on and get out the door. We gotta get up to tubby. We gotta move from the bathroom to bedtime. And we're just trying to get through the 7,000 transitions that happen in a day. And it's been really helpful for me personally and professionally to utilize playful transitions to make them A: fun and things that also are regulating. Can we dive into some examples of what this might look like?


00:29:41    Julia

Yeah, I love that. One of our favorites in my household are animal walks. What animal do you wanna be to get from the playroom to the tub? Do you wanna be a frog or a bear? They're getting heavy work right then. Let's see if you can walk from the kitchen to the bathroom backwards, or I wonder how many steps it'll take you to get from point A to point B. Let's try to do the fewest amount of steps, meaning they're taking these big large jumps, which is proprioception. I love that kind of stuff. We will even do what we call the inchworm. So they'll put either a little cardboard box or something underneath their knees and scoot themselves. So they're using their whole body to get... we have tile floors, but to get from point A to point B. And they have no clue that they're putting in, quote unquote, the work, that they're doing sensory. For all they know, mommy just made a really fun way to get to the tub. I also recommend, I mean, you can't be crawling on the floor at school, but transitions are a really good way at school to get in.


00:30:51    Alyssa

Why can't they crawl on the floor at school?


00:30:53    Julia

I'm cool with it--


00:30:54    Alyssa

I say do it.


00:30:55    Julia

Yeah. In the classroom, yeah. I don't know how teachers would feel. Like, get to the lunchroom. On your tummy.


00:31:00    Alyssa

OK, fair.


00:31:02    Julia

But yeah, no.


00:31:03    Alyssa

A lot of our kids are early childhood, so they don't necessarily have a lunchroom or whatever.


00:31:07    Julia



00:31:07    Alyssa

So they're in the classroom.


00:31:08    Julia

Oh, in the classroom, absolutely. Yeah, crawling. Be quiet. You know, there's a bear in the cave, and you have to be really quiet while you're doing a bear walk. Like they have no clue that they're getting sensory there, but we do. We know that hopefully by the time they get to the lunch table or wherever they were heading, they got that jolt of sensory input that is regulating.


00:31:36    Alyssa

Yeah, I love that. It's so helpful. I also find it personally helpful as a parent when I'm like leaving childcare to get in the car or whatever, we'll do one of these because I know he's going to sit in the car and he's usually coming from childcare, um, a little dysregulated. He-- introvert or like sound sensitive, um, visually sensitive. And there's a lot of that at school or other kids. There's all this. And so he's coming to us usually needing some input and sitting is then hard. I'm like, yeah, now we're going to go sit in the car and he's tactically sensitive. And so the buckle's always too tight and it's, you know, all the things. Um, but so doing these like playful transitions from pickup to the car has been so helpful for us. Uh, I, I love those examples and you know, we can link in the blog post too. We have a post on playful transitions that has, has just some ideas of games that you might play and ways to incorporate this. The floor is lava. Now you're jumping from one thing to the other to try and get to where you're going.


00:32:43    Julia

Oh, that's a favorite over here.


00:32:44    Alyssa

Yeah. right? And or we'll just like we'll get really quiet and we're gonna sneak around. Sagey loves to be sneaky.


00:32:53    Julia



00:32:54    Alyssa

So we'll sneak around and he'll like get up on his toes or he might crawl over slither like a snake and just like different ways of moving and two birds one stone it's a connection thing too and so now they feel connected and we filled their sensory bucket--it's your classic win-win.


00:33:12    Julia



00:33:13    Alyssa

Oh, I love this.


00:33:15    Julia

The other important thing with using transitions or the parent coming, or the teacher coming up with movement activities or any type of structured activity is that a true sensory seeker, if you give them movement opportunity and it's unstructured, a true seeker is going to become even more dysregulated. So transitions are -


00:33:38    Alyssa

Can you give an example of what that might look like here?


00:33:39    Julia

So, if you have a child with sensory processing disorder, specifically as a sensory seeker, they're jumping around the house and, you know, they've got all this energy and the parent says, go outside and play, go get your energy out. In theory, well, there's no problem with that, first of all. Kids need unstructured play, absolutely. But for a true sensory seeker, they go outside, they're climbing the tree and jumping out, they're escalating, they're moving. Theoretically, you would think that they would get tired, they would get their wiggles out. No, a sensory seeker is going to escalate. They're going to push the limits. They start to do things that are unsafe as ways to get the input that they need. They become even more dysregulated. So then they come inside, it's dinner time, let's say, and the parent's like, what happened? You were outside for an hour. Why aren't your wiggles out? And that was because the unstructured play has sent them even further into dysregulation. And my suggestion usually for home and the classroom is end that playtime with something structured. Whether it be the transition in or you set up a quick little obstacle course, you go from point A to point B or it has an end goal, that makes it structured. You can use a timer, even that is structured. Two minutes, let's see how many jumps you can do. They need that structure to bring their bring themselves down.


00:35:10    Alyssa

That makes sense to me. I mean, when we think of like unstructured, like you said, like some unstructured play is really beneficial, huge for creativity. And when we think about structure, what it provides is predictability. It's like routine for us does that same thing. And I like, I think about like, when I go into like mealtime, and I'm like, I  have to make something for my family and I had no plan in place, my brain can feel frazzled. Like it is, I'm not one of those humans that opens up the fridge and like, Oh, here's these ingredients. Here's what I can throw together with these things. Like, no, I need a plan. And when I don't have one, it's dysregulating for me. Same with like packing. If we go to pack and I don't have like a list to pull from, it feels really dysregulating. I need that structure and it helps me thrive. It helps me feel in control, it helps me regulate, and it helps me succeed at the task. And so that makes sense to me that like, you would want to end unstructured play with something structured to get back into the feeling of like control in your body and knowing what's coming next and having a plan, which is often a regulating thing for our nervous system. That makes sense. That's a helpful tip.


00:36:26    Julia

And using the transitions, like you said, is like, especially at school, I'm just picturing they have maybe playground time. That's unless the teacher or whoever is out there really like telling each child what to do and making it a game, it's unstructured time. So our really high energy seekers are gonna come off a playground time and they're gonna be the kids that are even louder than when they left the classroom. They're gonna be the ones that are moving in their seats even more. So using the transition from the playground back to the classroom, that helps bring them down so that they are ready to get back to learning or doing whatever activity you were doing in the classroom.


00:37:06    Alyssa

I actually, as a teacher, found that this is where jobs became really helpful for me. Like, I just had one kid pop into my head who when we had five minutes left, we would announce it, but I would go up to him and say, OK, now I need your help. And his last five minutes were very structured. It was him helping me go to each space and making sure people knew where their toys went or where things went. Bikes go back in the thing or whatever, like helmets have to come off, and make sure our blocks are put away. He would help gather the backpack and he helped organize things with me. And then he was my line leader and we would walk inside together. And that helped him feel in control there. The jobs part really helped us come in from the playground, I feel like.


00:37:52    Julia

I love that. Being the person to erase the chalkboard at the end of the day, or if you're the one, if you have to put the chairs to the side so that they can vacuum the floor. Can you be my furniture mover? You know, anything's exciting to them. And of course they feel so proud when they have a job. One of my favorite ones, which is funny now, because anytime I show a young child, like, you know, the old fashioned pencil sharpeners, like it was screwed to the wall and you had to crank it. Think of what great heavy work that is, so good. You can get up and stand. It gave students a chance who needed to get wiggles out. it gave them like a real reason to get out of their chair and they wouldn't get in trouble. But I always suggest to teachers just install an old -fashioned pencil sharpener in your room and make that a job. I need five pencils sharpened and they're getting a quick dose of heavy work.


00:38:46    Alyssa

Sure. Yeah, love that. Awesome. Julia, I feel like we could just go into this forever with you. I want to touch on one more thing before we wrap up. How can we support sensitive siblings or friends when the energy or the volume gets really big, like asking for a friend. I have a sound sensitive human. The other day we're at a friend's house and our friend's two year old is they're like three weeks apart and they've totally different nervous systems and desires and needs and cravings and they seek very different and they show up differently. Like she has a really small bubble. She loves to touch. She wants to like be in your face. She's pretty loud and like has a strong presence in the room and Sage is like, this is my nightmare. And he's like constantly like running away. Like at one point just went upstairs in their house. He grabbed his bag and was like, go home. We, and so looking at like, how do we support this dynamic when it's siblings, when you can't leave that space when they're going to be in the same space. What does that look like?


00:39:58    Julia

Yeah, well, it looks not pretty. It's hard. There's really no perfect answer. I also struggle with this. Happened at the dinner table last night. I have one child that is very loud. Sitting right next to him is my other child covering his ears saying, too loud, too loud. So, I get it, totally. And it is hard. There are times where you can provide safe spaces for both parties. Just as much as the one needs to have a more quiet, mellow area, the one that needs to be loud also has that... It's a real need for them to be this loud and to get that energy and that talking out... Not out of their system, but that's a need for them, right? So they need to be able to know that there's a safe space for them to do that too. When you're in a small area and there's really not a place where both people can go and get what they need, I think it's really important to start young and talk about, you know, our brains are different and we all process things differently. And right now, so-and-so needs, his brain really doesn't like, that's too much for him. But I know your brain loves the sound. Getting them to understand that like not everybody's brain is the same and not everyone has the same needs. That goes a long way. And then having safe spaces and kind of respecting that, like if my one son says it's too loud, we just take a little break. We'll go take a walk outside. But when it's siblings, like you said, it's hard. And I haven't found a perfect answer for that, to be totally honest. You know, it's just trying to balance.


00:41:33    Alyssa

Sure. Yeah. Letting each person be their authentic self without stifling them. For me, what comes up here is the like task demands part of like, for instance, with Sagey, if we know we're going to a loud space or when we're going to this friend's house and we know that it can be a depleting thing for him, it can be a draining thing for him. I look at like, how do I front load maybe even extra, more than I normally would, when I know that the task demand will be high for him. Task demand being like, oh, this is going to be a hard activity. It's going to pull from the nervous system. It's not going to recharge him. How do I make sure I pour in extra for him? Right. So I think of it as like, if I was going to run a race, I'm not a runner. So this analogy might not shake out, but if I run a race and I was like, all right, what is my body need ahead of time? Because I'm not going to have access to snacks. I'm not going to be able to just whatever - What does my body need ahead of time. How do I support it? How do I like warming up? What types of food am I consuming to fuel it so that I can really recharge? I wouldn't have like a burger and a milkshake and then go run a marathon because it wouldn't help my body succeed in that space. I wouldn't like wake up without stretching or moving and just be like, and go and start running. And so I look at it like that. I'm like, how do I help him ahead of time? And we at our house call it setting you up for success. So like, how do I set myself up for success? How do I set Sage up for success? How does my husband set himself up for success? Going into different things. And Sagey's-- learning his sensitivities was really helpful because then I know like these are certain times or situations where we're going to be pulling from his battery. We're going to be draining his battery. How do I recharge it extra before I go into this? What do I make sure? Yeah, maybe instead of five minutes on the swing before we leave, he's going to have 15 or 20 minutes in that window before we go. How do we make sure that he, one of the things with sound being a challenge for him that like, then on the drive there, if he's, and this I've found too, as a sound sensitive human, if I'm in control of the sound, it doesn't drain me. So like, if I'm like, oh, I want to listen to music or I want to listen to a podcast, it's not pulling from my nervous system. It's when I'm not in control of the sound that it's draining. And so for him, we'll do the same thing. Like, hey buddy, would you like to listen to something on the way over? It gives him that opportunity, if you have multiple kids in the car, if they're like headphones, they can pop on, not just noise canceling headphones. A lot of our, you have a child like mine who is tactilely sensitive, like the pressure of the headphones, he doesn't love. And so it doesn't end up being a helpful tool for us a lot of the time. But having something where he can put headphones on or listen and it has like a story he loves or he loves, he'll ask for Raffi a lot right now. And so a song that he can listen to then is like supporting him before we go drain that battery. I think of that with task demands. Getting dressed is another one. We try to pour into him before we know like the tactile experience of getting dressed is hard.


00:44:45    Julia

Right. Absolutely. Makes total sense. We do that as adults, right? Just like with your running example.


00:44:51    Alyssa

Correct. How do we set ourselves up for success? And that I think is like, for me, the like tagline when it comes to our nervous system, when it comes to our sensory systems, it's like, how are we setting ourselves up for success? And that's what the sensory lifestyle for me comes back to is that if it's not something that's available and that we're incorporating into how we move through the day, we don't end up setting ourselves up for success. We end up in that reactive state where it's like, big meltdown, react to it, try to come back from it. Big meltdown, react to it, try to come back from it. And it's exhausting to get stuck in that cycle.


00:45:33    Julia

Absolutely, and like you mentioned earlier, I think it's really cool now that parents are understanding sensory a little more and are wanting to do things like creating a sensory lifestyle because like you said, they're going to continue. These sensory sensitivities and/or what they're seeking doesn't go away. You just really grow around it. Or as they say, grow into it. You start to understand what works for you and what doesn't work for you. But it's really cool that now kids are given the opportunity to participate in that from a young age to understand either the battery analogy or the bucket analogy, you know? I don't know. I never had that as a kid. And I think most people in my generation didn't, and I think it's really cool that our kids now are getting that opportunity to learn about their bodies and learn about their needs from a young age. And that goes right into the sensory lifestyle is once they start to understand their needs and, you know, mom gave me this activity because I really like spinning or jumping, or she knows I really don't like this sound, so she packed this. They see that, and they learn it, and they're making their own toolbox for when they're older and taking care of themselves.


00:46:53    Alyssa

Totally, because the goal isn't that they're always in a space that's a regulating space. Like, we are going to go to people's houses that have loud humans. He's going to go to conferences someday. He's going to be in a classroom with loud kids. And it's not my job to put him in a little bubble, it's my job to equip him with the tools to thrive. And helping build that awareness of like, what drains you and what recharges you? For me, it's like, this is the key to him being able to navigate the world, is understanding how his body functions.


00:47:28    Julia

Yeah, and think of how much stress you're taking off of him as a teenager and a young adult. To like not have to be figuring that out while you're going through puberty and going into your first relationship and job, like you've kind of like got that.


00:47:43    Alyssa

Feeling annoyed, feeling dysregulated, moving through the world dysregulated because you don't know how your body works. It's like, it doesn't have to be that way and what a cool gift we get to give kids now as we're building these tools for ourselves and building this awareness. Julia, thank you so stinking much for the work that you do. It is truly, truly, it's like I said, this is the stuff that I think changes lives. I think it's what can impact our day-to-day most significantly, and I'm really grateful for you. Where can folks find you, connect with you, learn more about you?


00:48:20    Julia

Yeah, I'm mainly over on Instagram on @otmamaoftwins. You'll see a lot of my high-energy boys and activities that we've got going on and strategies that we use. That's mainly where I am. And also, starting to put some activities up there and offering some consults. So check me out there too.


00:48:43    Alyssa

Thanks so much, Julia.


00:48:45    Julia

Thank you.


00:48:32    Alyssa

Stay tuned after this note from our sponsors. Rach and I will be right back with the breakdown. 





00:48:44    Alyssa

So we are going to the Chiefs -Bills game on Sunday. And I'm from Western New York. I'm from the Buffalo area. A lot of friends that are going to be there. And I'm a Chiefs fan because I'm in love with Patrick Mahomes. I think that he's such an incredible athlete and he's very fun to watch. And I fell in love with him from the Quarterback documentary. I think they're called documentaries. That's a documentary, right? 


00:49:16    Rachel



00:49:17    Alyssa

Great. On Netflix and docu -series. I don't know the difference. Anyway, I fell in love with him there. And then it was just like really perfect for coming into the Chiefs era in terms of R .T. Swift and all that jazz. And so I'm going and my husband has never fought anyone in his whole life. And he's the, he's a very gentle human. And he was like, you need to have it together here. So you don't get us into like some sort of fight where somebody thinks that like, I'm supposed to be fighting them because you've been running your mouth and talking crap at the I was like, all right, okay, okay, okay. 


00:50:05    Rachel

You're like, fair enough. 


00:50:07    Alyssa



00:50:09    Rachel

That's gonna be so fun. 


00:50:10    Alyssa

It'll be so fun. And my brother has season tickets and we got tickets like in his section with like a bunch of his friends from high school. So I know all of them and it'll be so fun. 


00:50:22    Rachel

Yeah, that's awesome. 


00:50:23    Alyssa

Yeah, it'll be my longest time I'm away from Beans. It'll be like 12 total hours. 


00:50:31    Rachel

Yeah, that is a hot minute. What are you going to do, like bring a hand pump or what's your plan? 


00:50:35    Alyssa

I'm going to bring a pump and just pump in the car, so we'll tailgate, pump in the car right before I go to the stadium and then pump right when I get out. And then just that it's going to we'll get back to my parents because the kids are going to stay at my parents. We'll get back there at like 10, 11. And don't worry, she'll be up. 


00:50:57    Rachel

She'll be ready to nurse. 


00:50:59    Alyssa

Don't worry. 


00:51:03    Rachel

That's so real. 


00:51:05    Alyssa

So real. Yeah. But I'm super jazzed. 


00:51:10    Rachel

Yeah. It's going to be so fun. 


00:51:12    Alyssa

So fun. 


00:51:12    Rachel

You're such a sports gal. 


00:51:14    Alyssa

I know. This is something a lot of people don't know. Yeah. Cody was saying it too. He's like, I think it catches a lot of people off guard because I, he was like, you wouldn't know. He's like, it's like Rachel and hunting. And I was like, well, that seems new for her. But I was like, well, I grew up an athlete and he was like, yeah, but you don't like talk about that side of you a whole lot. And I was like, that's true. But I like, yeah, I'm a sports gal. 


00:51:37    Rachel

Big time. 


00:51:38    Alyssa

And not even just like like Ky was like, I didn't realize this about you. And then when we had our like Seed team like weekend for the Vermont AEYC conference and obviously watching Chiefs game. And she was like, I like sports in the way of like, I like the chips and dip. I like the hang what's happening. I like the people around that. 


00:52:00    Rachel

Like you will like tune out conversation to pay attention to what's going on in the game. 


00:52:06    Alyssa

And she was like, you know, players and the rules of the game and I was like, correct. It was funny. 


00:52:14    Rachel

That's hilarious. 


00:52:15    Alyssa

I also I grew up with four brothers in a very like sports household. And like, we all played sports, ESPN was on all the time. And like, they don't just like kind of know some things about sports. I can't imagine a sport that they wouldn't know the rules to and couldn't tell me, oh yeah, this NFL player, they know where he went to college, where he's from, whatever. 


00:52:38    Rachel

Yeah, it's not casual. Every time your dad pops up on my Facebook feed, it's him posting about one of his grandchildren doing some kind of sports thing. It's just such a part of your family culture. 


00:52:51    Alyssa

It really is. Yeah, so it'll be fun. And Zach has really gotten into it, I feel like more so as we've been in relationships. So that's been fun too. 


00:53:02    Rachel

Yeah, that's awesome. 


00:53:03    Alyssa

Yeah. One of my pet peeves actually is like watching sports with people who don't like sports or don't know sports but think they do. Like, I don't mind watching sports with people who are just like, yeah, like the Kylies. They're like, I'm here for the chips and dip. 


00:53:16    Rachel

Or me. 


00:53:17    Alyssa

Yeah, totally. 


00:53:17    Rachel

I don't know what's going on. 


00:53:18    Alyssa

Right. But people who like try to comment on it and they don't actually know, it just I'm like just oh it's a pet peeve of mine. 


00:53:28    Rachel

Yeah just you can also just like watch or you can be like me and just whip out your Kindle during the game. 


00:53:33    Alyssa

Yeah you just read. It's so funny. You'll do it not even just like you'll just pull out your Kindle and start reading and I love it because I think a lot of people like pull out their phone and start scrolling and you just whip about your Kindle and start reading it. So on brand. 


00:53:52    Rachel

Oh man. It is on brand. 


00:53:56    Alyssa

Who are we chatting about today? 


00:53:57    Rachel

Okay, today we are talking about sensory reg for high energy kids with Julia Ieslin. 


00:54:06    Alyssa

Yeah. I think that one thing that is a big common misconception we see here is when people are like, I think my kid's sensory sensitive and sensory seeking. And the reality that when our sensory sensitive humans are at capacity in terms of sensory input around them, like if it's loud, if they're in a busy space, they're at a birthday party, they're whatever, there's a lot going on stimulation -wise, then the seeking increases because they're just trying to regulate. But then I look at somebody like Mila, who is not sensory sensitive, she's sensory seeking all the time. She's going to climb everything. She's going to whatever, whether she is in a calm, quiet environment or not, her need for sensory input from a seeking perspective is so much larger than like, if Sage is in a chill environment, he is not just like spinning and swinging and climbing and whatever.  He will chill and play with toys and he can sit and play with something for so long and always has been able to if the environment is right for him. But then when we were at Erika's in January and all the cousins are running around and playing and it's winter time, so we're inside a bunch. Remember, he just started spinning. He's playing, I was going to say Merry go round,


00:55:42    Rachel

 Ring around the Rosie. 


00:55:42    Alyssa

 Ring around the Rosie. 


00:55:44    Rachel

Which one of us was a preschool teacher? 


00:55:48    Alyssa

That is not the kind of teacher I am. And yeah, he was like playing Ring around the Rosie. Anything he could do to be like spinning because he was overstimulated. And so I think that that's just something on this topic that's often misconstrued. 


00:56:07    Rachel

100%. And it's like the same for Abel. We'll sit and like play with a toy for such a long time. I think back to when Nora was my only kid, and Nora is a sensory seeker. And people would comment about like, how, oh, it's so great that you get her outside so much. Or, oh, it's so great that you have like gymnastics rings in your living room or like whatever. It's so cool. And it's like, yeah, I'm literally just trying to survive parenting this child, because she needs to move her body, and it can either be in a constructive way that feels in alignment for our family, or it can make me wanna crawl out of my skin. 


00:56:51    Alyssa

Mila was climbing up your fridge. 


00:56:53    Rachel

Such a Noni move. 


00:56:55    Alyssa

Oh my gosh, such a Noni move. She was literally like, oh, you don't have something for me to climb? I'll find it. 


00:57:01    Rachel

I'll just do this. 


00:57:01    Alyssa

Yeah, I'll find something. We were given, so blessed, a Pikler as a hand -me -down that we just got and we're giving it to her for her birthday, which is in a little less than a month now. And I've just been like, can we just give it to her now? She just needs something to climb inside because she's driving me nuts. 


00:57:25    Rachel

Yeah. It's so real. And then I had Abel and he can sit and play with a train set or Lego for such a long time. And I was like, oh, this is what it's like to have a kid who doesn't need to constantly be seeking input. And like, yes, he will require more proprioceptive or vestibular input if we're in a loud or draining environment for him. But like in our regular home routine, he doesn't seek that much. He really can just like sit and be. And if anything, and he just like goes into like, I want even less stimulation. He'll just like go into his room. 


00:58:05    Alyssa

Yeah, totally. Yeah, that's like Sagey. He will, like we just popped the pod swing back up inside. I take it down during summer because I want them to just go outside. But we just popped it back up for like cold time and just the sun being down at noon. And he will like go into it and swing but if we, if it wasn't there, he would not need to in a way that like, she can't stop herself. 


00:58:37    Rachel

That's like, exactly. Like I was just thinking, we don't have our living room set up the way that we used to where like my living room was legit a sensory gym for Nora for several years and we don't have that now. And I, part of me was like, oh man, like is this unfair to Abel? And it's like, no, Abel doesn't need that. Abel has magnetile Lego and a train set in the living room, and that's his jam. He doesn't need like a ladder and a gymnastics bar and a nugget and whatever else. He genuinely doesn't need that, and she did. 


00:59:11    Alyssa

Yeah, yeah, it was so funny because Sagey had rest time in Abel's room when we were there, and the rock wall, it's like the climbing wall is on his wall in his room. Sagey did not once do it. Mila was in Abel's room for less than five total minutes and we were there and three of the minutes she was trying to climb the wall. Like immediately she came in and she's like, oh my gosh, yes. Sagey was in there for two hours and didn't touch it. 


00:59:39    Rachel

Yeah, and I think like I, one of my challenges parenting Nora when she was younger was not wanting to ever make her feel shame or like she was inconvenient to me because her sensory seeking needs were so high. But the reality is that it is hard to meet those needs day in and day out, especially when they're young and like, it's kind of on you as the parent to make sure that that's happening. 


01:00:09    Alyssa

And they just like, don't stop moving. 


01:00:11    Rachel



01:00:12    Alyssa

Where it's like, can you just like, for a minute, just, just be, and they literally can't stop moving and that part's exhausting. And for humans who get touched out, like for Zach, Mila will climb all over your body. It is nonstop. And I was thinking about this. There's someone on our team who can't sit still and also has high proprioceptive needs. And I was like, oh, this is just what it looks like in adulthood where we're like, oh, she's such a busy body. She's like all over the place. She's so high energy, she's go, go, go. And I was like, this is what that looks like. It's just, she's got hyper -receptive needs. 


01:00:51    Rachel

She's so fun to be around, right? 


01:00:53    Alyssa

So fun. 


01:00:55    Rachel

I think when you're parenting a small child with these traits, it can feel like kind of draining, especially if it is a sensory mismatch. But these humans turn into adults that are so fun to hang out with. 


01:01:09    Alyssa

100 % and like, that's it. Mila loves a hang. She's got all the energy for it and she'll really enjoy it and be like a fun hang. And she's just gotta keep moving and going. And I was like, thinking about her the other day, cause I was thinking about the adult that's on our team. And I was like, oh, it would be so good for Mila to be a human who like goes for a run at some point. 


01:01:33    Rachel

Oh yeah, for sure. 


01:01:34    Alyssa

That'll be very good for her. She will have her cup filled from something like that. And the person on our team, I remember when she was pregnant this last time and she like at one point messaged me and was getting on her Peloton at like 9 p .m. And I was like, she was quite pregnant. And I was like, how are you not just like dead, exhausted? You're parenting another human, you're growing another one. And she was just like, yeah, I just got to move my body before I go to bed. And like, she literally just like hopped on the Peloton, did a ride and then went to bed and like needed that input in order to fall asleep. And it's like, that's what that looks like when you can get it independently. And I think of like Nora going to bed now and how hilarious and we like die at beach week when we're all together and Cody does impressions of her gymnastics all over the place. And then she'll like lay down and fall asleep. 


01:02:36    Rachel

Yeah, I think, you know, one game changer for Nora being school age now is like, A, she is her best self when she is with her peers, like she thrives being with her peers. So that's cup filling for her. And then PE class, they're running, she's in competition with her peers, just right up her alley. So I'm not in a space anymore where I have to be the one to provide all of those opportunities, which is so nice, hence why I don't have to have a sensory gym in my living room anymore. One other thing as I was thinking about coming into this conversation that I think can be really challenging for parents who have children like this is if you look online for meeting your kid's sensory needs, a lot of it involves products or purchases or elaborate setups. 


01:03:34    Alyssa

Or it only talks about autism. 


01:03:36    Rachel

Correct. Yeah. 


01:03:38    Alyssa

As if we don't all have a nervous system. 


01:03:42    Rachel

Yes. That's so annoying. 


01:03:46    Alyssa

So annoying. But yeah, product, it's so real. And like, you don't need specific products. 


01:03:51    Rachel

I bought like $20 gymnastic rings off of Amazon and like a $2 piece of hardware. And that was one of her biggest input sources for years. It doesn't have to be like an expensive, elaborate thing. 


01:04:07    Alyssa

No. In lieu of the Pikler that we have not given Mila yet, I have just like stacked up things where she can climb and jump, right? So she can, I use the couch cushions, I use pillows, I use like things that we just have around the house for her to climb up and jump off. Yesterday, we were in the waiting room at the doctor's office and she did 45, no lie, deep squats where she just like, she dropped, she was holding something and it was right next to like a chair, like an adult chair. So she had one hand on the chair and the thing she was holding, she dropped down. And I was like, oh, you dropped it down. And then she like squatted down to grab it. And I said, down. And then when she came up, I said, up. And she looked at me and was like, this is a fun game. And so then she looked at me and dropped it again. And I was like, oh, you dropped it again. Are you gonna go down? And she squatted down. And then when she came back up, I said, up. Then she just like on repeat, like faster. She did 45 squats where I just said down and up, over and over and over, and we didn't need any equipment for it. She held one hand on that chair, the adult chair that was in the space, and otherwise just squatted down and up and down and up. I was like, oh my word. 


01:05:30    Rachel

It's so good. 


01:05:31    Alyssa

It's a so on brand. 


01:05:31    Rachel

Yeah. And also what I love about that example is like you were able to make that also like an opportunity for connection and play. And I think a lot of times we really want our young kids to be able to meet these needs independently. And the reality is that they need a lot of scaffolding. 


01:05:50    Alyssa

Yeah, yeah. Well, and she needs that proprioceptive input, but she also, like Nora, thrives on connection. And so anytime I can one -two punch those where I can play a game with her where she's getting that input and we're connecting, it fills her cup for so much longer that then she can actually go and like play independently and have some of that. I think so often it can feel like a leaky cup when we're doing this. And I find for Beaners, it feels like a leaky cup when I don't pair those together. Like if I just do proprioceptive input or I just connect with her in ways like we're chatting and hanging out and playing a game that doesn't involve that proprioceptive input,  it just doesn't last as long for her. And when I can pair them together, then there's way more opportunity or capacity, I guess, for her to go off and have some independent playtime. 


01:06:48    Rachel

Yeah. Yeah. 


01:06:51    Alyssa

Yeah. But, man, sensory seekers, and we see it a lot, I was thinking of our book with this and the Big Kids, Bigger Feelings book and how much it comes up in the school system. I'm working with a school right now, actually about to go visit them. And one of the things that we're implementing are just resistance bands on chairs and allowing kids to kind of push against something and get some of this input in. Because our kids who are sensory seeking, often they can't sit still and they can't stop moving and they end up getting in trouble in school. So looking at how can we give them some of this input and access to this input so that they do have more capacity for sitting and attending to a task. 


01:07:38    Rachel

Yeah, I, this brings to mind another thing where a lot of times in schools, the movement breaks involve screens and - 


01:07:47    Alyssa

Oh, it's a trigger for me. 


01:07:49    Rachel

Same, because it's like you're pouring in, but you're also, it's leaking out because it just, yeah. So figuring out a way, like the resistance bands are a good way to kind of like just embed it into the culture of your classroom instead of having like, okay, at 1230, we do our sensory break and then everybody's gonna be regulated for the rest of the day, right guys? You know? 


01:08:11    Alyssa

Our three minute movement from YouTube that we have a video for. And it's like the most overstimulating possible thing on the planet. 


01:08:18    Rachel

Correct. And how much more powerful and frankly, easier for teachers if we can just embed it into the culture of the classroom. 


01:08:26    Alyssa

100 % and that's what we're trying to do And like give people ideas for how to do both in the Seed Cert and in Tiny Humans Big Emotions and then in Big Kids, Bigger Feelings of like, what does this look like for it to be a part of your culture? So that it's not an additive. 


01:08:43    Rachel

And parents, how can you, which we talk about this in the book, like as parents, how can we advocate for this for our kids at school? Like how do those conversations start? What do they look like? 


01:08:53    Alyssa

And how do you build it in as part of your culture at home? 


01:08:56    Rachel

Totally.  Because instead of feeling like - 


01:08:58    Alyssa

You know that difference between Nora having a little gym in the living room versus Abel. As you met her needs in those ways with a space for her to climb or swing or whatever, for Sagey it's that he can dip upside. He will hang upside down while watching TV. That's what his nervous system needs. I'm like, I want to throw up watching that. 


01:09:19    Rachel

Yeah, that makes me feel nauseous. 


01:09:21    Alyssa

Yeah. But just building that in where instead of being like, hey, buddy, you need to have your butt on the couch or cause his feet flip up over the couch and they hit the wall. And I could make that the hill that I die on. And in reality, we're just like, great. He's getting that need met. 


01:09:39    Rachel

Absolutely. And to not have it feel like another thing on your to -do list. I think like this is a, not just in classrooms, even at home, this is a misconception of like, okay, I have to carve out this time to meet their needs. It's like parents don't have the bandwidth for that. If you can find a way to, If you can find a way to make your home just conducive to meeting those needs, whether it's having something that they can climb on or like allowing them to be upside down or for a while, Nora would stand at the dinner table sitting's still hard for her at dinner time. I hate dinner time. 


01:10:14    Alyssa

I hate dinner time. 


01:10:16    Rachel

It's the worst. But yeah, just finding ways to just make it part of your daily routine so that it doesn't feel like this overwhelming thing to add to your to -do list. 


01:10:26    Alyssa

Yeah. Agreed. Love it. Love it. Thanks, Rach. 


01:10:31    Rachel

Thanks for doing this work. 


01:10:34    Alyssa

You're welcome. 


01:10:36    Alyssa

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