Voices of Your Village

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After School Dysregulation with Lori Goodrich



00:00:01    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. I got to hang out with Lori Goodrich. She's an occupational therapist that I love and have leaned on over the years for so many things. I learn from her every time I get to speak with her. And we got to chat about restraint collapse. You know, when your kid comes home from school or childcare and they just melt for you, or maybe they've been with a grandparent and all of a sudden they break down for you. That is restraint collapse, where they've held it together all day long and then they collapse for you. We're gonna chat about what this is, what's happening for them, and then ways that you can...

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Raising Emotionally Intelligent Humans with Lauren Stauble

00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village and I have such a special episode today. I get to bring you Lauren Stauble. Lauren is the co-creator of the Collaborative Emotion Processing method. And she's my co-author of Tiny Humans, Big Emotions. We got to dive into what the CEP Method is, why we don't believe in a one size fits all approach, and walk you through what does it look like? A little bit in practice, give you insight and really a sneak peek into the kind of stuff that you'll find in the book. We co created the collaborative emotion processing method and researched it across the US. Our research ended in 2018 and we've been working on putting...

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