Voices of Your Village

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Ear infections, breast feeding, immune support, and all things chiro care, with Dr. Dersham

voices of your village Oct 04, 2018



For today’s episode, I had the incredible opportunity to talk with my chiropractor pal, Stacy. Stacy graduated from chiropractic college in 2008 and immediately began work at a family practice in Hartford, Ct. Stacy’s practiced worked primarily with women and children beginning at infancy. She has always had an interest in pediatrics and once her practice started rolling that interest just increased with Stacy then beginning to do prenatal chiropractic work as well. Stacy has brought this interest to her practice in Fall River, MA, and has loved getting to service the expansive world of womanhood, birth, and childhood through chiropractic care. 


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Birth story time: Home birth edition, with Tracy

voices of your village Sep 27, 2018



In today’s episode, I dove into Tracy’s homebirth story. Tracy is a blogger, stylist, and entrepreneur living in California with her husband and 10-month-old son. Tracy shares what led her to homebirth, the obstacles she faced,  and ultimately the peaceful and empowering birth of her son.   

Tracy shares that before becoming pregnant, she associated birth with the hospital, but during her pregnancy, she began researching other options. She connected with other mamas on Instagram and began to feel drawn to homebirth. We touched on the logistics of finding a midwife and navigating insurance coverage and the discrepancies from state to state. In...

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The do's and don'ts of adult conflict in the presence of kids, with marriage and family therapist Chrissy Powers

voices of your village Sep 20, 2018


In today’s episode, I was so jazzed to chat with Chrissy Powers, a hilarious and vulnerable marriage and family therapist with three tiny humans of her own. In this episode, Chrissy shares her advice and wealth of knowledge on balancing the crazy worlds of parenting and co-parenting. Chrissy and I got so real during our chat, I couldn’t wait to share this one with all of you!

Chrissy is a mom of three, a 7-year-old, 3 year-old, and a sweet ‘lil 3-month-old who she held during our chat (and who can be heard chiming in from time to time!). She has been a licensed marriage and family therapist since 2010, after her first babe was born she began blogging her truths...

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Village Chatter: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions


In this episode of Village Chatter, I got to answer different questions you sent me all about raising emotionally intelligent tiny humans. If you want to be part of our Village Chatter and contribute and share different questions you have, it is so easy! All you have to do is join the Facebook page at Seed and Sew: Voices of your Village.

The first question that I answered was at what age should you, as a caregiver, start having conversations with your kiddos about messing up like yelling or losing your cool, in front of your kiddo. The good news is, that in order to see lasting effects with emotional intelligence you only need to get it right 20% of the time and it is never too...

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Pelvic floor, Diastasis Recti, and the power of the breath, with Jamie Jones

voices of your village Sep 06, 2018


Peeing when you run, sneeze, or cough? Ab separation? These are so common, but they don’t have to be the norm! In today’s episode, I had the amazing opportunity of talking with Jamie Jones, a personal trainer who works with prenatal and postpartum women who are trying to repair their pelvic floor and/or maintain their pelvic floor strength after pregnancy. Throughout the episode, Jamie shares tips and resources on how to help women learn more about the pelvic floor, diastasis recti, and much more!

Jamie first became a trainer after becoming interested in learning about ways she could safely stay active during her pregnancy with her first son. As a result of not being...

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Let's Talk About Sex, Baby, with expert, Amy Lang

voices of your village Aug 30, 2018


On today’s podcast, I had the wonderful opportunity to talk with Amy Lang, the founder of Birds and Bees and Kids, building parents’ toolbox for talking to their children about their bodies, sexuality, and sex. Amy and I dove into how and when to have these conversations with kiddos depending on where they are developmentally.

We started with toddlerhood to see how those conversations can take place and how to respond to questions that your kiddos are throwing at you. After doing a lot of research, Amy found out the Netherlands is amazing when it comes to answering sex questions and all things baby-making. In the Netherlands, sex education begins as young as...

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Ya snooze ya win, with Alyssa



I am so excited to bring to you our first episode of Village Chatter. We created this series based on topics and questions that have been of interest to you! Today’s podcast is centered around questions surrounding sleep. If you wish to be part of the next series of hot topics and questions, head over to the Facebook group Seed and Sew: Voices of your Villages and join us!

The first question I talked about was in regards to sleep on the go. Although this can get tricky, there are some things that can be done beforehand to set the stage for an easier transition. It is so important from the beginning, to establish consistent routines. Even if you are on vacation and the...

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What can wrestling or rough & tumble play teach my child?, wIth Ross Thompson

voices of your village Aug 16, 2018



For today’s episode, I had the incredible opportunity to chat with Ross Thompson. Ross has been teaching 3,4, and 5-year-olds at the University of Minnesota for the past eleven years, while also leading undergraduate courses on cognitive language, creativity, and motor development in early childhood. Ross’s passion in early childhood development focuses on exploring how the physical body moves and how we then are able to learn through that movement. This Spring, Ross is opening his new early learning center in Savage, Minnesota. In his podcast, “Teaching With the Body in Mind” Ross focuses on moving to learn. The podcast stemmed from a Big Body:...

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Parenting with MS, with Alex Winkelman Zeplain

voices of your village Aug 09, 2018


On today’s podcast, I had the wonderful opportunity to talk with Alex Winkelman Zeplain. Alex is the founder of Hello My Tribe, which she created to serve as a support system for women and mothers. Through podcasts, written content, events, and different experiences, Alex hoped that this community would create a positive support system for all women as they venture through life’s journeys. While working to create this community, Alex was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). With her diagnosis, Alex was even more inspired and motivated to continue on with her business and be able to create a support system for other women who had MS. From creating Hello My Tribe, she...

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