Voices of Your Village

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Using Neuroscience to Support Your Babyā€™s Brain Development with Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD


00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I get to hang out with Greer Kirshenbaum, which I always want to say Kirschenbaum for my fellow folks who know German tuning in. My Austrian friends will be like, hello, how are you saying her name? Greer's awesome. She is an author and a neuroscientist, a doula, infant and family sleep specialist, and a mom. She trained at the University of Toronto, Columbia University, New York University, and Yale. Greer has combined her academic training with her experience as a doula and a mother to lead the Nurture Revolution. It's a movement to nurture our baby's brains to revolutionize mental health and...

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Bedtime Stalling with Rachel Lounder

parents sleep voyv Oct 19, 2023

00:00:00 Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I get to hang out with one of my favorite humans, our first ever SEED employee, Rachel Lounder, to chat about bedtime stalling. This is something we've been talking about a lot over at the SEED team, behind the scenes, as all of our kids have gone through some bedtime stalling and pushback, and it is a doozy to navigate. So we get to dive into what it looks like, where it's coming from, and what you can do as you move through it. Remember, over at SEED, we are not a one -size -fits -all approach for anything, including sleep. We support folks who are sleeping in all different ways, and whatever works for your...

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Fall 2021 Daylight Saving Time



0:00:00    Alyssa

You listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 197. This is a quick episode about Daylight Saving Time that happens this weekend. It's around the corner. And this episode's going to guide you through what it looks like, how to support your tiny human. And if you want this in PDF version, we created a free guide for you. If you head to seedandsew.org/falldst like daylight saving time, you can snag that free guide, and we walk you through two different plans, one what to do to support them upfront preemptively, and the other plan, If you are like me, wait and see how the chips fall on Sunday and then troubleshoot after. One of these is...

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REBROADCAST - Independently Falling Asleep


 00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 168. This is a rebroadcast of one of our most downloaded episodes ever. When folks come to us asking, "How can I support my tiny human with sleep?" There are a few foundational skills that we look at one of which is independently falling asleep. Now, I want you to know that if what you are doing for sleep with your tiny human is working for you. Awesome. That is rad. You don't have to change a single thing. It's also crucial that when we are navigating independent sleep, when kids are learning how to fall asleep without being bounced or rock or fed. It's crucial that we're supporting...

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Signs Your Child is Ready to Drop a Nap


00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 167. Today I got to hang out with our sleep consultant Christen Young, we dove into the signs that your child is ready to drop a nap. Naps are a topic that we get so many questions about, especially under 18 months because everything changes so fast, you know, just when you feel like you've gotten it nailed down you're  like, "Yes, we figured it out." They're shifting and they're showing you they're ready to drop a nap, and there's a change, and it can just all feel really overwhelming. So Christen and I hung out to outline this for you. How do you know when your kiddo is ready to drop a...

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Bedtime Boundaries


00:00:01 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 166. Oh, this was so fun to do, I got to hang out with Rachel, our sleep program director and one of my best friends in the world to chat about bedtime boundaries. We get tons of questions about kiddos pushing those boundaries at bedtime what to do about it, how to support them, things we can do proactively and then what to do in the the moment. This episode is a real and raw episode. You hear things from Rach about personally sitting outside of her daughter's bedroom door to reinforce some boundaries and what this can look like with younger kids as well. It's always fun when I just get to hang out with...

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REBROADCAST - Spring Daylight Saving Time


00:00:01    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 162. Folks, that time of year is almost here again where we change the clocks. I know it's such a doozy and every single time this comes around, twice a year. Here we are with the Spring Daylight Savings time. Every time it comes around, y'all are like help! Don't worry. We've got your back here. This episode is going to guide you through what to pay attention to, what doesn't matter and how to come back from this after the fact if you're still seeing sleep challenges. Remember it is one hour and we can totally do this. We have an outline for you here and head on over to seed.sleep on...

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Spring Daylight Savings Time



Welcome to Podcast Wednesday! The days are getting longer, the light is getting brighter and you know what that means… Daylight savings time is upon us! I know this is dreaded by so many of you, but let me tell ya- it doesn’t have to rock your world. This episode is designed to give you tangible tips on how to navigate this time change without it being all-consuming. We have gotten through so much worse than this one hour time change you guys, we can handle this!

I am going to keep this short and sweet, because we do not need to overthink Daylight Savings Time. So often we get more nervous about what it’s going to be than what it actually is. Let’s...

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Ideal Nap Times for Different Ages



Hello there, and welcome to episode 107 of Voices of Your Village! Today we are talking about everyone’s favorite topic… sleep regulation! More specifically, this week is a pen and paper in hand episode all about the specifics of ideal nap times for different ages. If you are looking for a deeper dive into sleep pressure and regulation, check out episode 41. Because today is all about the importance of timing and example napping schedules.


Sleep is a little like food-  when you want your body to be ready to sit down for a meal at breakfast, lunch, or dinner you don’t have a snack 10 minutes before you are ready to eat.


When we want...

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Fall Daylight Savings Time



Happy Fall, ya’ll! We officially have one foot into November which means it is that time of year again where we catch these last glimpses of daylight in the evening before Winter knocks on the door to announce it is time to start eating dinner after dark. That’s right you guys, time to get out those red sharpies and circle November 3rd on the calendar because daylight savings time is upon us.

In today’s episode, I get real by real-quick letting you know the tips and tricks on how to prevent your kiddos’ sleep schedule from getting all wonky when we lose an hour. Alright, let’s dive in on how to navigate these sleep changes.


There are two...

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