Voices of Your Village

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Navigating Anxiety as a Mama

voices of your village Oct 31, 2019





Today’s episode is another episode in our Q&A series. I sat down with Nicole, a stay-at-home mama to an almost-two-year-old, who wanted to ask me questions and talk to me about the anxiety she feels as a mama, specifically as a response to her kiddo’s crying.

Watching anyone that we love, especially our tiny humans, feel something hard, is tough. I explained to Nicole that we’re never going to get to a place where it doesn’t bother us at all to hear them cry; our goal is getting to a place where we can regulate our own emotions in order to respond. 

Society puts so much pressure on mamas when it comes to a crying kiddo. If baby...

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Fall Daylight Savings Time



Happy Fall, ya’ll! We officially have one foot into November which means it is that time of year again where we catch these last glimpses of daylight in the evening before Winter knocks on the door to announce it is time to start eating dinner after dark. That’s right you guys, time to get out those red sharpies and circle November 3rd on the calendar because daylight savings time is upon us.

In today’s episode, I get real by real-quick letting you know the tips and tricks on how to prevent your kiddos’ sleep schedule from getting all wonky when we lose an hour. Alright, let’s dive in on how to navigate these sleep changes.


There are two...

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Co-parenting through different parenting approaches

voices of your village Oct 17, 2019




Today on the podcast, I chat with Michelle Purta all about co-parenting through different parenting approaches. Michelle is a life coach who helps moms become happier in their relationships. She works one-on-one with women so they can create more of a connection with their partners rather than conflict. Her goal is to empower women to get to do all the things without having to sacrifice themselves in the process. There are multiple ways to raise tiny humans, and partners may have different ideas. Michelle helps people navigate coming to a common ground in parenthood. 

Michelle opens up by suggesting that you meet your partner with compassion. You may be the one...

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Q&A Series: 4yo emotions with a baby sister and other people's opinions



Happy Pod Day! Today we are diving right on into a new Q&A Series with Julie. Julie lives in Manchester, New Hampshire with her husband of 6 years and their two sweet kiddos, four-year-old Brady and three-month-old Morgan (who you can hear happily chattering away in the background! Hi Morgan!)

Julie opens the episode by expressing concern over daily transitions with her two kids, especially daycare pickups for Brady. She wonders why his mood seems to change when she goes to pick him up after school, and how consistency can be accomplished within a busy schedule. 

Julie’s family is already aiding transitions with the use of visual tools, a great start that...

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Tiny humans & food with Taesha Butler

voices of your village Sep 27, 2019


In this episode, I was jazzed to talk with food and healthy living expert Taesha Butler, also known as The Natural Nurturer. Taesha originally started her Instagram account @thenaturalnurterer to share her ideas for simplified eating in a busy, modern life as a full-time working mom, and it soon evolved into a community of people who she passionately helps and shares meal ideas with. She focuses on helping people get vegetables into every meal, and create healthy relationships with food. Taesha taught preschool as an early childhood educator for 18 years before The Natural Nurturer became her full-time gig. 


We put this topic out to the village and got a whole bunch of...

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Q&A Series: Toddler Classroom

voices of your village Sep 19, 2019



In the second episode of our Q&A series, I got to chat with Sarah, who is both a mama to her 14-month-old son and a teacher, who primarily works with two-year-olds. 

There is certainly an emphasis on teachers connecting with parents in order to gain an understanding of their students’ backgrounds, but I think it’s equally important and is sometimes overlooked, for parents out there to hear what it’s like behind the scenes for the teacher. It’s beneficial for parents to hear that teachers are working with just as much intention as they are. This understanding can lead to parents and teachers finding some common ground, and realizing they are...

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Q&A Series: Coping



Today we kick off our Q&A Series with April, who has been an active member in our Seed village for about two years. April lives in Amarillo, Texas with her husband and three-year-old daughter, Quinn. 

April admits that she has a hard time letting her daughter feel hard emotions for an extended period of time. She wonders when to let her have a hard feeling, how long to let her have that hard feeling, and how long to allow her daughter to engage with a coping mechanism before implementing a coping strategy. 

First, we want to pay attention to what it looks like when we are turning to coping strategies versus coping mechanisms. When we turn to a strategy, the...

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Back to school tips

voices of your village Aug 29, 2019



Sweet summer is just about a wrap, which means it’s almost back to school time. Like most transitions, the back to school transition is hard and can come with hard emotions - whether your kiddo is heading off to a brand new school or just a brand new classroom and teacher. Either way, everyone wants to nail this. Both kiddos and parents want to feel supported during this time. So, here are my back to school tips and tricks.

First, let’s take a look at preparation and some actual tools that can be used to prepare you and your kiddo to head back to school. One useful tool is visual aids, which y’all know I’m a huge proponent of. We use visual aids all...

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What a middle-schooler would like you to know about emotions, with Elijah



I’m so jazzed about this episode of Voices of Your Village because I got to sit down and chat with probably one of the most emotionally intelligent 11-year-olds you’ll ever meet, Elijah. His mom Danielle allowed us to share on Instagram and Facebook an exchange she and Elijah had in which she emotion coached him through a tough situation, and basically the response was that Danielle is serious #momgoals and Elijah is serious #11yearoldgoals. I wanted to chat with Elijah about being a soon-to-be middle school kid - what it’s like and how to navigate all of the hard stuff surrounding this unique time in life. We chatted about the difficulties of middle...

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There are generally two schools of thought in regards to sharing, and they tend to be on opposite ends of the spectrum. One end is the belief that what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours, and my kiddos don’t need to share, while the other end is the belief that everybody takes turns and everybody shares. I believe in finding a middle ground here. Over the years, I’ve worked with thousands of kiddos, and I’ve noticed some trends when it comes to sharing. 


Some kiddos actually really like to share and offer all on their own because it brings them joy. So, what is it about these kiddos that leads to a desire for collaborative...

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