Voices of Your Village

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Decluttering Holiday "Shoulds" with Rachel Nielson: Round Two


00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today we are sharing one of my favorite episodes that I've done that just feels so appropriate in this season, where we get to talk about decluttering your holiday shoulds. We aired this last year with Rachel Nielsen from 3 and 30 Takeaways for Moms podcast. I have been on her podcast before as well, if you wanna check that out. This episode, she joined me and we are re -airing it today and adding in the breakdown with Rach and I at the end. We have heard from so many of you that you're loving the breakdowns. They're so fun for us too, to take these conversations with experts and really look at what does...

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How to Navigate Grief and Loss with Ashley LeMieux

00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 262. I got to hang out with Ashley Lemieux and chat about grief and loss and what it looks like to navigate those. I think this is an especially tricky time of year where a lot of grief can come up and we can almost like be reliving loss. I have followed Ashley's journey for a long time and have found bits and pieces of myself in her journey sometimes mirroring the same timelines. And I want to let you know that there are a bunch of things in here as we're talking about grief and loss that might be triggering or hard to hear. And if you are not in a place for that, hit pause. Come on back when you're...

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Decluttering Holiday "Shoulds" with Rachel Nielson

holidays parenting voyv Nov 23, 2023

00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and this is episode 259. This is a selfish episode because I really needed it. This is about how to declutter the shoulds in the holiday season. I, y 'all like one of my challenges is like, Oh, I should be doing this. I should be baking cookies with my kids. I should be doing family photos and holiday cards and getting those sent out. but all of these shoulds add up for me. And ultimately, I end up showing up as a parent I don't wanna be when it's a lot of things that really don't matter to me or that I don't super care about, but I can end up in that land of "shoulds". 


00:00:50    Alyssa


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