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00:00:00 Alyssa:
You're listening to Voices of Your Village, this is episode 203. In this episode I got to hang out with my friend Xavier Dagba to chat about setting boundaries with adults, as adults. Gosh this is a hot one as we come into some holiday time for folks, a lot of family time, but really it's a hot one for all the time. What does this look like? What comes up for us from our childhood, and our social programming and our patterns and habits when we set boundaries with other adults. I know that it can be super loaded and I'm jazzed to share this episode with you, Xavier is a fantastic follow on Instagram as well if you want to head over...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village, this is episode 200! That's insane 200 episodes. Wow, thank you for being on this journey with us. In this episode we're chatting about emotion processing for adults. What does it look like for us to do this work? If you want more support in doing this work, I have a re-parenting class for you, where I guide you through through how to take what you're bringing from your childhood and your social programming, and really get to know it and build awareness and self regulation so that you can live with intention. Head on over to and check out our classes jump on into our re-parenting class today....
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village this is episode 194. This is one of my favorite episodes that exists on our podcast. I got to interview Dr. Lynyetta Willis, who has become a dear friend since this interview. And she collaborated with us to create a workshop thats included in our S.E.E.D. Certification program. She does a lot of work around self awareness and what's coming up from our childhood and is it something that we want to repeat or heal so we don't repeat it? This episode is full of awesome tangible tools for moving forward and what this looks like to heal intergenerational trauma.
00:47:52 Alyssa
I want to put a disclaimer in...
00:00:04 Alyssa
Welcome to Voices of Your Village, a place where parents, caregivers, teachers and experts come to support one another on this wild ride of raising tiny humans. We combined decades of experience with the latest research to create the modern parenting village. Let's dive into honest conversation about real parenting challenges, so it doesn't have to be this hard. I'm your host, Alyssa Blask Campbell.
00:00:35 Alyssa
Hey, everyone, welcome here to Voices of Your Village today I get to hang out with Sarah Maclaughlin. She lives in Maine, and we got to meet in real life, which is how this relationship started. I gave a workshop...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 175. What a joy this episode was, I got to hang out with my friend Keegan to talk about navigating respectful parenting as a dad. One thing that we have found in doing this work is that so often the folks coming to the table to have these conversations are moms and in this episode we're talking about dads and it's a pretty heteronormative conversation. I want to be really clear about that going in. We talked about the differences that Dad's face in respectful parenting in hetero relationships. I think it's really important for us to have specific conversations about certain groups of...
00:00:01 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 174. We talked a lot about progress over perfection, but I feel like we are still holding ourselves to a standard of perfection. That when we make mistakes, in parenthood, or as humans, we experience hard emotions that we feel like we're failing. And I think this is something that's really important for us to discuss because it's going to be huge for the kids who are watching. And if we feel like we are failing when they have a hard emotion or a tantrum or a meltdown, what message are we sending to them? So, today we're going to dive into imperfectly parenting, this is a quick episode with me...
00:00:01 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 173. In this episode I got to hang out with Dr. Becky. You might know her as Dr.Beckyathome over on Instagram and we chatted about constant versus secure attachment. So if you tuned into last week's episode, we re-broadcasted Sam Casey's interview about fostering a secure attachment. After that episode, we had a bunch of questions about what this looked like, to walk away from a child if they were upset or how to support a kiddo without necessarily being right next to them all the time. We had a lot of questions around constant versus secure attachment. So, Dr. Becky came to hang out with me...
0:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 169. In this episode I got to hang out with Courtney Berg. We dove into the topic of codependency. This is something that so many of us grew up with and frankly. I didn't even realize I had grown up with it until way down the road and I just found myself doing things like people pleasing or feeling nervous to set and hold boundaries for myself or practice self-care. I found myself nervous about what other people thought of me and really seeking others approval. As I dove into this work. I started to realize that these were markers of codependency and so much of this comes from our...
00:00:01 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 158. In this episode I got to hang out with Dr. Jean Chang, a psychologist out of Singapore and we are diving in to overcoming perfectionism. We break down what it really is and what it stems from and consequently, like, what do you do from there? Where do you go from there? I don't know about you, but this was something that has come up in my life a lot and something I've had to do a lot of work around. It's something we talk about on the seed team a whole bunch that we couldn't put work out into the world and support you and walk alongside you on this journey if we were waiting until...
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