Voices of Your Village

Latest episodes

Respectful Parenting IRL: Rewriting Patterns and Habits


00:00:04    Joel

"You know, that that a father's supposed to be and this is what I'm supposed to do. Well, then, you know, that was all based. A lot of it was fear-based for me, right?"


00:00:17    Joel

"I was fearful, I felt insecure about parenting that way sometimes, I felt like it was inadequate." 


00:00:28    Joel

"And again, they're resilient. They're more resilient than we are, sometimes." 


00:00:33    Joel

"Those are big things that just started to change the landscape for us." 


00:00:42    Joel

"Let's try to figure out what's going on here so that I can help you to build your...

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Respectful Parenting IRL: Changing Your Perspective


00:00:04    Destini

"Literally our only job to keep them off the bench. The only thing we have to do, the only requirement is practice. That's it."


00:00:14    Destini

"Even though I am very intentional about, not projecting that. It still comes up." 


00:00:25    Destini

"Something's up and we're going to have to, we would be better trying to work that out in practice, then trying to do it right now." 


00:00:35    Destini

"Slowly going down that emotional ladder with her. She was slowly coming down. But in my mind, I was like, I'm tired as hell." 


00:00:44    Destini

"We want to be...

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Respectful Parenting IRL: Raising Black Boys

00:00:03    Jamie

"It was a human guttural reaction from a black parent surrounded by non-Black families."


00:00:14    Jamie

"The things we have to think about, that being one of maybe like five Brown families in a school of probably 800 families."


00:00:25    Jamie

"And it got to the point, I'm a yeller...ugh, I'm a yeller. I said it, and I'll own it, and I'm working on it"


00:00:35    Jamie

"Because if you push too hard, it's very different than your friend pushing too hard."


00:00:43    Jamie

"While I don't always see the behavior immediately, the times that I do are just really cool." 



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How to emotion coach for emotion processing, with Lauren Stauble


00:01:30    Alyssa

Welcome to Voices of Your Village, a place where parents, caregivers, teachers and experts come to support one another on this wild ride of raising tiny humans. We combined decades of experience with the latest research to create the modern parenting village. Let's dive into honest conversation about real parenting challenges, so it doesn't have to be this hard. I'm your host, Alyssa Blask Campbell. 


00:02:03    Alyssa

Welcome to Voices of Your Village. I'm super jazzed today because I get to bring you guys my co-creator of the method. Hi Lauren. 


00:02:11    Lauren



00:02:12    ...

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How to Respond to Your Childā€™s Behavior


00:00:04    Alyssa

Welcome to Voices of Your Village, a place where parents, caregivers, teachers and experts come to support one another on this wild ride of raising tiny humans. We combined decades of experience with the latest research to create the modern parenting village. Let's dive into honest conversation about real parenting challenges, so it doesn't have to be this hard. I'm your host, Alyssa Blask Campbell.  


00:00:35    Alyssa

Hey, everyone, welcome here to Voices of Your Village today I get to hang out with Sarah Maclaughlin. She lives in Maine, and we got to meet in real life, which is how this relationship started. I gave a workshop...

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Postpartum Anxiety with Chasity Holcomb


00:00:01    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 171. In this episode, I got to hang out with Chasity Holcomb who you might know as @Momfully.you over on Instagram. Chasity is a therapist and we drove into postpartum anxiety. We looked at the difference between some postpartum mood disorders and how postpartum anxiety might show up for you or for someone you love. We talked about ways that you can access support or help somebody else access support. There can be so much shame or guilt in the postpartum season, if you are struggling and I want you to know that you are enough and that you're doing enough and it is hard and you do not have to...

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Boundary Setting with Adults with Xavier Dagba

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to Voices of Your Village. Today on episode 132 I am joined by the wonderful Xavier Dagba to talk about all things boundary setting between adults. Xavier is a transformational life coach and father. He is so eager about helping others, which is what led him to his field of work and ultimately led me to connecting with him. I was so thrilled when Xavier agreed to come have an on-mic chat with me and I think you will be just as jazzed to listen as I was to record this one! Y'all this is a good one, I felt like I could talk to Xavier forever. So, without further ado, let’s dive on in!


“If you are in this community it means you want better for...

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Self Care in Parenthood



Happy Podcast Day to you, my wonderful villagers! Wow, I am feeling so grateful to have gotten to share 120 episodes of Voices of Your Village with you all and I cannot wait to record 120 more!

Today I am joined by Bryce Reddy, who you may know as @MomBrain.Therapist on Instagram and Facebook, for this year’s Mother’s Day episode so we could really dive deep into the realities of self care in parenthood.


“The human condition is for all of us.”


Bryce and I agreed that the marketing of self care for parents can tend to be kind of wonky or misguided, and the reality is that we all need the proper self care in order to show up in this world...

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Responding to Anxiety in Kids



Hey there, villagers! Welcome back to another episode of Voices of Your Village. I am so jazzed about this week’s episode. I am joined by Jessica Vanderwier, you might know her as Our Mama Village over on Instagram. She is a therapist and mama to almost two kiddos, she’s growing her second right now! Jessica is a psychotherapist who shares emotional support strategies for parents and kids in order to educate on child behavior and mental health in children. We sat down to answer your biggest questions about responding to anxiety in kids. Let’s dive on in!

First, it is important to mention that there is a real culture of fear around anxiety in our society,...

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Getting real about mom guilt, with Kristen Mittler



Today on Voices of Your Village, we are getting real about mom guilt - that inevitable feeling felt by so many mamas out there. This is one issue that seems to truly be gender-specific; I chatted with a bunch of dads in preparation for this episode and came to this conclusion. In this episode, I got to hang out with my friend Kristen, stay-at-home mama of four, and chat all about this hot topic - what it is, why it’s happening, and what you can do about it. 

Mom guilt is felt by both working moms and stay-at-home moms alike. Kristen worked full time up until the point that her oldest kiddo was five, and then became a stay-at-home mom, so she can certainly attest...

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