Voices of Your Village

Latest episodes

How to Raise Socially Successful Kids

It's natural to want our kids to be socially successful. We want them to have friends and to feel a sense of belonging. We might feel pressure for them to act a certain way in public and find ourselves stepping in whenever we sense conflict. The problem is that when we swoop in and take over, this can actually stop kids from building their own social skills. We get to be there to scaffold these skills, but it requires us to give our kids space to reflect, think, and problem solve on their own.

Picture this scenario: Leo is approaching the table where Nina is already playing. Nina yells “No Leo! I’m using ALL the playdough and ALL the tools. These are MINE.”


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Sneak Peek: Seed Teacher Summit

 00:00:00    Alyssa

Y 'all I am so jazzed to share today's special episode with you. It's a sneak peek from our 2024 Seed Teacher Summit coming at you March 12th to the 14th. We are so grateful to have a brand new batch of incredible speakers this year and so many essential topics like Playful Transitions, Why Play Matters for Neurodivergent Learners, and of course How to Manage a Classroom Full of Spitters. This is going to be a compilation episode with little snippets from a handful of the interviews just to give you a taste of what's to come. The summit is free, f -r -e -e FREE to watch so please share it with any educators, administrators or fellow caregivers in...

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The American Childcare Crisis: How Did We Get Here?

The statistics are staggering. On average, preschool teachers are paid half of what kindergarten teachers are paid. The wage gap is more extreme for educators of color, who make up 40% of the ECE workforce. 20% of the early childhood workforce turns over every year.

As one of the wealthiest nations in the world, how did we get to a place where early childhood educators are so undersupported that they’re leaving the field entirely?

Our childcare system began in space where it was primarily stay at home parents. During WWII, more women began to enter the workforce and the childcare landscape began to shift. People came together to help each other, and a lot of family...

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How to Respond to Your Childā€™s Behavior


00:00:04    Alyssa

Welcome to Voices of Your Village, a place where parents, caregivers, teachers and experts come to support one another on this wild ride of raising tiny humans. We combined decades of experience with the latest research to create the modern parenting village. Let's dive into honest conversation about real parenting challenges, so it doesn't have to be this hard. I'm your host, Alyssa Blask Campbell.  


00:00:35    Alyssa

Hey, everyone, welcome here to Voices of Your Village today I get to hang out with Sarah Maclaughlin. She lives in Maine, and we got to meet in real life, which is how this relationship started. I gave a workshop...

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