Voices of Your Village

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Navigating School Lunch with Feeding Littles’ Megan McNamee, MPH, RDN


00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today we get to dive into a topic that is just always on my mind, I feel like. We get to chat about navigating school lunch with Feeding Littles co -founder Megan McNamee. She is a registered dietitian and nutritionist and co -founder of Feeding Littles, one of my favorite Instagram accounts. She specializes in pediatric nutrition and eating disorder prevention. Megan and her business partner Judy help parents feel confident feeding their babies, toddlers, and big kids through online courses and social media support. What I'm so stoked about is that they just launched their second book, Feeding Littles...

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The Transition to Two Kids


00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and in this episode, I got to hang out with our very own Rachel Lounder to chat about transitioning from one to two kids. We chatted about our own personal journeys and different things we hear from the outside world about, oh, what second kids are supposed to be like and all that jazz. We talked about triggers, things that worked for us, things that didn't, and we had very different experiences. My second born has similar sensory systems to her first born, and then vice versa for her second born has similar sensory systems to my first born. And so we got to chat about what that looked like and how it showed...

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The Key to Self Control with OT Kelly Mahler

00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and I get to dive in with occupational therapist Kelly Mahler, all about really the key to, I would say, navigating life from a well -being standpoint. We get to chat about interoception. This is one of the sensory systems that I think is so often overlooked, and I think it's the cornerstone for mental wellness. It definitely is the cornerstone for accessing self -control. So often we want kids to control their words, control their actions, like, ask for things kindly, all that jazz, and the reality is they can't do that if they don't first have interoceptive awareness, if they aren't aware of what's happening...

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