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00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And in this episode, I got to dive in with Lori Sugarman -Li about how to raise kids who participate in taking care of the home. You'll hear about it in this episode, like it's something that's been a challenge for me is really looking at taking care of the home, doing dishes, all that jazz versus playing with Sage and just hanging out and not doing all of those things when he's asleep. And I think I really just feel this pull to not have all of our time be spent on household things when I'm out of work and when he's awake. We got to have a real honest conversation about it. Lori believes deeply in the power...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I got to hang out with Lisa Myers. She's the inventor and founding mama of Ceres Chill, a breast milk storage company that replaces the 1970s bulky cooler technology that had been holding people back for decades. In just the last few years, she became a mother of two, was promoted to equity partner, and created a company, all while enduring universal breastfeeding challenges. She looked for ways to make work-life pumping more manageable, but came up empty -handed or disappointed with cumbersome, icky, short -lived, tell -tale milk storage options. Being incredibly stubborn and a resourceful...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and in this episode, I got to hang out with our very own Rachel Lounder to chat about transitioning from one to two kids. We chatted about our own personal journeys and different things we hear from the outside world about, oh, what second kids are supposed to be like and all that jazz. We talked about triggers, things that worked for us, things that didn't, and we had very different experiences. My second born has similar sensory systems to her first born, and then vice versa for her second born has similar sensory systems to my first born. And so we got to chat about what that looked like and how it showed...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I get to hang out with Victoria Facelli, the author of Feed the Baby. And I want to let you know that we recorded this episode back when I was still pregnant. And so you'll hear some of that in this of like, what does it look like for me in this season? It's a pretty personal episode. Victoria took me on a ride and we got to chat about how to balance infant feeding with parental mental health. This is such a huge topic. I personally have been through this and just feel like every time friends of mine are having kids, those first few weeks and months are so wrapped up in feeding and...
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