Voices of Your Village

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The 3 things I pay attention to developmentally birth-five

voices of your village Jan 24, 2019



In this week's episode I dove into something I call the triangle of the growth. When I’m looking at tiny human development I’m looking at three things. I’m looking at the sensory system, emotional development, and at speech and language. These systems are incredibly interconnected and in order to get a full picture of development, we really need to consider all three. 

We all use our sensory system all day long, every single day. The feeling of a chair supporting our bodies, the sound of music playing in the car, the feeling of our clothes on our skin. All of these things are processed by our sensory system. If the sensory system is overloaded and...

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Parenting with the grandparents, with Desiree Fortin

voices of your village Jan 17, 2019



This week I was jazzed to chat with triplet mom Desiree Fortin about parenting with the grandparents. Two months before Desiree gave birth to their triplets, she and her husband Ryan moved in with her parents. Desiree shared that she was on bedrest and Ryan was working so living with her parents and having her mom take care of her was a real blessing. 

Desiree shares that when her triplets were born her parents sacrificed so much and were totally hands-on in taking care of the babies. The triplets were all diagnosed with GERD and in addition to needing to eat throughout the night, they also needed to be held upright for 30 minutes after each feeding. Her parents dove...

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My battle with anxiety as a rape survivor

voices of your village Jan 10, 2019


In this week’s episode of Voices of Your Village, I got raw and vulnerable about my experience with anxiety as a rape survivor. After I was raped, I became stuck in a cycle of fear. My anxiety consumed me. Years later, with a wonderful support system, and with the help of therapy, I feel like I am thriving and no longer living in fear. 

An integral part of working through my anxiety was learning to identify triggers. Triggers are things that the brain associates with something else, things that bring back the traumatic experience. My triggers were basements, walking downstairs, button-down jeans, and being alone in a room with a male. Things like having a male massage...

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How to teach body positivity, with Anna Sweeney and Meg Steffey Schrier

voices of your village Jan 03, 2019


In this week’s episode of Voices of Your Village, I was excited to chat with Anna Sweeney and Meg Steffey Schrier about body positivity and the body positivity movement. Anna is a registered dietitian, eating disorder dietitian, and intuitive eating counselor. She also happens to live in a disabled body, giving her a unique perspective on body positivity. Meg is a registered dietitian, mom of two young kids, sports dietitian, and is especially passionate about the way we talk to our children about our bodies. We dove into the reality of our relationships with our bodies, what body positivity really means, and how the body positivity movement fits into a healthy body...

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End of the year wrap up, with Alyssa

voices of your village Dec 27, 2018



2018, what a year! Am I right?! Holy moly, you guys, I cannot believe how much happened this year. In this Voices of Your Village episode I am diving into all the amazing things of 2018, the hard stuff this year, and what we have in store for 2019.

Voices of Your Village Podcast

Uhhh, did you know that a year ago this didn’t exist? Not just the podcast itself, but even the idea of doing a podcast was not occupying my brain. In January 2019 I said to Zach, “I would just get to hang out with people and talk about early childhood. That’s amazing. It turns out that’s not all that goes into running a podcast. In fact, we pay a decent chunk of money to...

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Raising empathetic humans, with Logan Blask


This week I was thrilled to chat with my incredible sister-in-law Logan Blask (again)! You may remember her from episode 26, our most downloaded episode, where we dove into raising emotionally intelligent kiddos. This week we are diving into empathy and how to model and instill empathy in our tiny humans.

Sibling rivalry. Logan shared that her kids are totally allowed and encouraged to disagree, have their own opinions, thoughts, etc. However, physical aggression has been a hard no from the start. They have a family guideline of “hugs, handshakes, and high fives” as appropriate physical touch. When the twins have a disagreement, they are expected to talk it out and...

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Food sensitivities & gut health, with Bridgitte Carroll

voices of your village Dec 13, 2018


For this week’s episode, I had the opportunity to chat with integrative dietitian Bridgitte Carroll. Bridgitte combines food and lifestyle to get to the root of symptoms and helps parents and kiddos resolve health imbalances. Bridgitte attended a mainstream dietitian school but felt like she wanted to learn more. This led her to grad school where she learned about functional medicine. Finding the root cause instead of just treating symptoms was a model of care that really resonated with Bridgitte and she felt inspired to continue learning in order to best serve her clients.

Bridgitte shared that she often focuses on gut health. So what exactly is gut health? It’s the...

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Let's talk pacifiers, with SLP Amanda Townsend

voices of your village Nov 29, 2018


This week I was jazzed to sit down with Amanda Townsend of Simply Spoken Therapy to chat all about pacifiers. This is a topic that a lot of folks have questions about and we broke it down from the perspective of speech and language development. Amanda is a speech expert, having worked as a Speech Language Pathologist for 11 years in a variety of settings.

Amanda dove right in and explained the important difference between suckling and sucking. Suckling is a primitive reflex, it’s what infants do. It’s a front to back motion that they use to breastfeed or to suckle on a bottle or pacifier. This reflex is typically eliminated between 6...

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Teaching consensual touch, with Zach and Alyssa Campbell

voices of your village Nov 15, 2018


In this week’s episode, I was jazzed to sit down with my husband for a rare face-to-face podcast recording. We dove into the definitions of rape vs. sexual assault and how to distinguish the two. We also talked about the confusion that sometimes surrounds those definitions and sought to clarify them. 

Zach and I compared our upbringings and the conversations, or lack thereof, about physical consent. Toxic masculinity, the role of a woman in a sexual encounter, messaging we receive, guys we dove into alllll that jazz. Ultimately, we decided that just because something is a societal norm doesn’t mean that it’s acceptable and we need to do our part to be a...

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Parenting through trauma and loss, with Natalie Norton

voices of your village Nov 08, 2018


This week I was so grateful for the opportunity to chat with Natalie Norton. Natalie is a motivational speaker, coach, and writer who has experienced immense trauma in her life. She uses her emotional intelligence and awareness to cope with her trauma, continue to thrive in her life, and help others do the same. 

Natalie shared the many traumatic experiences she has had. She lost her brother and later she lost her infant son. A few years later, she and her husband became foster to adopt parents to twins and their seven-year-old sibling. After two years with these children in their family, just before the adoption was to be finalized, the children were reunited with their...

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