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00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And today, I got to hang out with Maria Davis-Pierre to chat about Black families who are navigating autism diagnoses and what that Black side of autism looks like, both within the Black community and outside of the Black community. Maria graduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor's of Science in Sociology and went on to obtain a Master's of Science in Mental Health Counseling from Nova Southeastern University. As a licensed mental health therapist, Maria primarily works with Black parents to provide support through education and advocacy training. Her passion for working in the field stems from...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village and, boy, do I have an episode for you today. I have not stopped talking about this or thinking about it, to be honest. I've had so many conversations with people in my real life after having recorded this episode. I got to hang out with Dr. Steve Hodges. He's a professor of pediatric urology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. He's a leading authority on childhood toileting issues, and he's dedicated to debunking common myths surrounding daytime and bedtime wetting and poop accidents. He emphasizes that these issues are never a child's fault. Dr. Hodges, residing in Winston -Salem, North Carolina,...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. Today I get to share a conversation with you about why mental and emotional labor is exhausting modern moms. I got to hang out with my friend Erica Djossa. She's the CEO and founder of Momwell and a registered psychotherapist specializing in maternal mental health with over a decade of experience. As a mom of three rambunctious young boys, Erica understands first -hand the challenges of motherhood. Perfectionism, pressure, and loss of identity fueled her battle with postpartum depression, and she realized how difficult it is to seek care. She founded Momwell to set a standard of care for providers and has...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village and today I get to hang out with Dr. Mona Amin. She is a board -certified general pediatrician, a lactation educator, parenting coach, and a mom. She's been featured on Parents .com, Good Morning America, ABC Nightly News, Romper, Condé Nast Traveler, Very Well Family, and NBC News. We got to chat on the impact of focusing focusing on children's weight. She works in private practice, and her passions include early childhood development, focusing on the impact of healthy sleep, a healthy relationship with food, and healthy coping skills in the first seven years of a child's life. She has parenting and...
It had been a challenging moment, complete with a full tantrum and hitting because her daughter was frustrated about leaving the park.
When kids don’t know how to handle difficult emotions, they might hit, bite, kick, or scream. Often, we respond to the behavior: we block the hitting and make sure they know it’s not okay to hit. But then, the next time they’re frustrated, they hit again.
Kids can’t make a different choice if they don’t know how. If they don’t know what to do when their body feels out of control...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And in this episode, I got to dive in with Lori Sugarman -Li about how to raise kids who participate in taking care of the home. You'll hear about it in this episode, like it's something that's been a challenge for me is really looking at taking care of the home, doing dishes, all that jazz versus playing with Sage and just hanging out and not doing all of those things when he's asleep. And I think I really just feel this pull to not have all of our time be spent on household things when I'm out of work and when he's awake. We got to have a real honest conversation about it. Lori believes deeply in the power...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I have such a special guest for you. I got to hang out with Dr. Stephen Nowicki. He is a professor of psychology at Emory University, and he has served as the director of clinical training, head of the psychological center, and head of the counseling center. Dr. Nowicki remains in active clinical practice as a diplomat in psychology, and let me tell you, he is a gem. His latest book, Raising a Socially Successful Child: Teaching Kids the Nonverbal Language They Need to Communicate, Connect, and Thrive, is so good, and we had such a rich discussion. Honestly, the only thing I wish I had was more...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I got to hang out with Lisa Myers. She's the inventor and founding mama of Ceres Chill, a breast milk storage company that replaces the 1970s bulky cooler technology that had been holding people back for decades. In just the last few years, she became a mother of two, was promoted to equity partner, and created a company, all while enduring universal breastfeeding challenges. She looked for ways to make work-life pumping more manageable, but came up empty -handed or disappointed with cumbersome, icky, short -lived, tell -tale milk storage options. Being incredibly stubborn and a resourceful...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And today I get to dive into punishment -free parenting with Jon Fogel. He's a parenting educator and soon -to -be author who operates under the moniker Whole Parent on social media where he has over 1 million followers across multiple platforms. As Whole Parent, Jon offers a unique perspective on parenting grounded in evidence -based research in areas of child development, adolescent psychology, and basic neuroscience, which synthesizes strategies from the worlds of cognitive behavioral therapy, general counseling, and even contemplative meditation to help parents manage problematic behaviors and grow deeper...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village and I got to hang out and chat about play. Ya'll, play is wildly important and underrated and we get to dive into why it's so important, what it does and also frankly, how it can make your life so much easier as a parent, as a teacher, as a caregiver. It's your classic win -win. I got to hang out with Dr. Jacqueline Harding. She is an international child development and education expert. She's recognized for her work advising government, practitioners, and parents. Dr. Harding is an honorary visiting research fellow at Middlesex University. Her qualifications include a PhD in child development,...
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