Voices of Your Village

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Raising kids differently than you were raised with Dr. Lynyetta Willis

00:00:01    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And in this episode, we get to talk about what it looks like in practice to raise children differently than we were raised. I got to hang out with one of my favorite people, Dr. Lynyetta Willis, to chat about this. I have brought Lynyetta into everything that I do, for the most part since I met her, because her work is so imperative for us on this journey of raising emotionally intelligent humans. She has a workshop in our Seed Certification. She's been on the podcast before. We featured her in our book Tiny Humans, Big Emotions and talking about her work. And in this episode, we really get to go down and dirty into...

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After School Dysregulation with Lori Goodrich



00:00:01    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. I got to hang out with Lori Goodrich. She's an occupational therapist that I love and have leaned on over the years for so many things. I learn from her every time I get to speak with her. And we got to chat about restraint collapse. You know, when your kid comes home from school or childcare and they just melt for you, or maybe they've been with a grandparent and all of a sudden they break down for you. That is restraint collapse, where they've held it together all day long and then they collapse for you. We're gonna chat about what this is, what's happening for them, and then ways that you can...

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How to Navigate Busy Seasons with KC Davis

#real life voyv Aug 17, 2023

00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And today we get to chat with KC Davis, the author of How to Keep House While You're Drowning. I loved this conversation so much because I feel like I truly, truly needed it. Like, what do we do when it feels like there's 7 billion things that we're supposed to do or that we have to do that are vying for our attention? And it just feels like there's too much when you feel like you're drowning or overwhelmed by all the things. I'm so grateful for the timing of this episode with back to school, a season that often feels like there's so much going on and transitions are so hard, and it can feel really overwhelming....

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Raising Emotionally Intelligent Humans with Lauren Stauble

00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village and I have such a special episode today. I get to bring you Lauren Stauble. Lauren is the co-creator of the Collaborative Emotion Processing method. And she's my co-author of Tiny Humans, Big Emotions. We got to dive into what the CEP Method is, why we don't believe in a one size fits all approach, and walk you through what does it look like? A little bit in practice, give you insight and really a sneak peek into the kind of stuff that you'll find in the book. We co created the collaborative emotion processing method and researched it across the US. Our research ended in 2018 and we've been working on putting...

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A back to school Q&A with Ellen Drolette and Alyssa Blask-Campbell

#real life #teachers voyv Aug 03, 2023

00:00:02    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. Today, I get to hang out with Ellen Drolette, and I get to be on the other side of the mic. Ellen got to ask me questions about back to school, and really, how can we support our kids? What can we do to prepare them for what's to come with a new classroom or new teachers or new school, new kids, new routine, all that jazz. There's so much that we can do now and to prepare and then also what it looks like to navigate this in the moment and beyond. I'm diving into a little bit of that here, and I wanted to let you know I have a free workshop, a live workshop coming for you next week. I'm doing two of them, one for...

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How to mindfully raise kind, confident kids with Hunter Clarke-Fields


00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And today we get to chat about how to mindfully raise kind, confident kids. Oh, I got to hang out with someone I adore so much. My friend Hunter Clark Fields. She is the author of Raising Good Humans a Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids. And out now is her book Raising Good Humans Every Day. I am so obsessed with this book because it's super, super practical and you don't have to read the whole book in one. You can open it up and you're like, all right, I can take this one today. I can take this one today, just like, bit by bit. And I love that so much....

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How to talk to kids about death with Child Life Specialist, Ali Waltien


Check out Ali Waltien's list of books on Grief and Loss here


00:00:01    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village podcast. And today we get to hang out with an expert here in talking to kids about death. I interviewed Ali Waltien for our book Tiny Humans, Big Emotions, coming out in October 2023, because we really needed to chat about what does it look like to support kids emotional development while talking to them about tricky subjects and things that are going to come with a lot of adult emotions as well. Death being one of those. 


00:00:40    Alyssa

I love Ali's insight and her practical scripts and approach to chatting with...

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Neurodiversity Affirming Practices with SLPā€™s Chris and Jessie

parenting slp voyv Jul 13, 2023



00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. I got to hang out with Chris Wenger and Jessie Ginsburg. They are both speech language pathologists who really dive into neurodiversity affirming practices and really how to celebrate and honor neurodiversity. I love so much about this interview, but personally, I really love having conversations with SLP's, Speech Language Pathologists, who are trained in sensory integration and understand how sensory integration affects how we show up in everything, including our language and communication. This was such a fun one for me. Also, they're fantastic follows over on Instagram, so make sure you head on...

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How to keep kids at the center of divorce - not in the middle of it with Sarah Lyman



00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And today I got to dive into a topic we get so many requests about. I got to hang out with Sarah Lyman. She's the founder of PurplCouch, and we got to chat about what it looks like to keep kids at the center of divorce, not in the middle of it. And we really got to chat about how do you really do this, what does it look like logistically? And there's so many things to figure out in the process of divorce, even outside of the adult feelings, just the logistics of it all and how do we do this while supporting children's emotional development? Sarah created PurplCouch, and it is an incredible...

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How to have healthy conversations about sex with Vanessa & Xander Marin

#real life parents voyv Jun 29, 2023


00:00:00    Alyssa

It's. You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And buckle up today, y'all, because we are diving in to the topic of sex. We get to hang out with Vanessa and Xander Marin. They are over at Vanessa and Xander on Instagram. They wrote an incredible book that I purchased own. Got to chat all about them with called, Sex Talks. And what I love about them is that their approach to sex is really about an approach to communication. How are we showing up in relationship with one another? How are we having conversations, especially ones that might feel awkward or new for us, like, if we didn't grow up having these conversations or witnessing them, what...

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